Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Communication Sciences (Academic Year 2019/2020) - Digital Corporate Communication

Law of Information and of the Media in the Digital Era

Credits: 6
Content language:Italian
Course description

Today, the module on Law of Information and of the Media, traditionally an important discipline, has to deal with the digital agenda and familiarize people with other concepts, including those of e-Democracy, e-Government, Internet, Big Data

As a result, this module deals with the notions and basic concepts of public law and of the law regulating the media (freedom of information, the public radio-television system and the warranties of pluralism of the media system in Italy) as well as with the basic principles of the digitalization of the entire relevant sector.

No preliminary knowledge is required. 

This module aims at supplying the student with a general overview of the issues linked to the question of the relationship between law and the media, with a special focus on public law and on the laws regulating the information system, in its many aspects, as well as at equipping the students with the tools needed to deal with the juridical implications deriving from some basic issues such as the relationship between democracy and digitalization and between this last one and privacy, the simplification and rationalization of the activities through Big Data and the approach to digital services supply in the light of the digital first principle.

The course is structured on two interrelated thematic areas.
The former one deals with the basic concepts of public law that are more closely related to and are intermingled with the questions of information and communication in the digital era. The sources of the Italian and European systems; the constitutional principles; the state supervision on technical regulations; e-Government;  the citizens’ participation in the democratic life through digital systems.
The latter on deals with the issue of freedom of information and communication: rights, duties as well as the discipline regulating the various media also by analyzing juridical texts and the main relevant judgements. The principle of information pluralism in the Italian system. The liberalization of the sector of telecommunications and the role of independent administrative authorities of this field. The press, the radio-television sector. Communication of the constitutional bodies and of the public administrations.
Paolo Caretti - Andrea Cardone, Diritto dell'informazione e della comunicazione nell'era della convergenza, Mulino, 2019.
R. Bin - G. Pitruzzella, Diritto pubblico, Giappichelli, 2018, solo relativamente a Percorso 1, Capitoli I, II, III, IV e Percorso 2, capitoli I, II, III, VII, VIII, IX

During the course, they may assign exercises in the form of open questions about the main issues being studies and that, basically, will represent the guidelines for the exam

Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Giovanni Pesce
Video professors
Prof. Giovanni Pesce - Professore associato di diritto amministrativo e avvocato (Roma, Italia)
List of lessons
Giovanni Pesce
Giovanni Pesce
Giovanni Pesce
Giovanni Pesce
Giovanni Pesce
Giovanni Pesce
Giovanni Pesce
Giovanni Pesce
Giovanni Pesce
Giovanni Pesce