Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Communication Sciences (Academic Year 2021/2022) - Digital Corporate Communication

Lobbying processes and public affairs

Credits: 9
Content language:Italian
Course description

Lobbies play a key role in the decision-making process and represent a great resource for the democratic system. The course aims at deepening the role of stakeholders in the decision-making process, by providing a detailed knowledge of the phenomenon of lobbying in the main legal systems and current regulations. It will also examine the instruments and techniques necessary to design and manage lobbying and advocacy campaigns at the national level, through the analysis of concrete case-studies.


The course will cover the following topics:


Definition Elements and Framework of the Lobbying Process

Interest Representation History

Pressure Groups Theories

Lobbying in the United States: history, institutions involved, legislative process and regulatory framework

Community Law: EU History, decision-making system, Law sources and legislation drafting

Lobbying in the European Union: regulation, spaces for action, instruments and follow-up of the activity

Italian Constitutional System

Lobbying Regulation at the National Level

Regulatory Framework of the Regions

Lobbying in practice: the lobbyist, the reference context and the technique

Tools and Strategies of the Lobbyist

Two Case Studies


The purpose of the course is to provide a global overview of the lobbying discipline – starting from the regulations of reference – going from the creation of the operational plan to the analysis of the skills of the lobbyist and to the analysis of case studies.


Il corso tratterà i seguenti argomenti:

Gli elementi di definizione e l’inquadramento del fenomeno del lobbying

La storia della rappresentanza degli interessi

Le teorie relative al fenomeno dei gruppi di pressione

Il lobbying negli Stati Uniti: la storia, le istituzioni coinvolte, il processo legislativo e il quadro normativo

L’ordinamento comunitario: storia dell’Unione europea, il sistema decisionale, le fonti del diritto e l’elaborazione della normativa

Il lobbying nell’Unione europea: la regolamentazione, gli spazi d’azione, strumenti e follow-up dell’attività

L’ordinamento costituzionale italiano

La regolamentazione del lobbying a livello nazionale

Il quadro regolatorio delle regioni

L’attività di lobbying nella pratica: il lobbista, il contesto di riferimento e il metodo

Gli strumenti e le strategie del lobbista

Due casi di studio



CATTANEO A., ZANETTO P., Fare lobby. Manuale di public affairs, Milano, Etas, 2007

GIANNITI L., LUPO N., Corso di diritto parlamentare, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2018, chapter 6, 7, 8, 9

MATTINA L., I gruppi di interesse, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2010, chapter 2, 7, 8, 9



The course includes two practical exercises aimed at verifying the student’s ability to apply the acquired skills.

Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Claudia Pomposo
Video professors
Prof. Alberto Bitonti - Università di Urbino Carlo Bo (Urbino - Italia)
List of lessons
Claudia Pomposo
Claudia Pomposo
Claudia Pomposo
Claudia Pomposo
Claudia Pomposo
Claudia Pomposo
Claudia Pomposo
Claudia Pomposo
Claudia Pomposo
Claudia Pomposo
Claudia Pomposo
Claudia Pomposo
Claudia Pomposo
Claudia Pomposo