Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Communication Sciences (Academic Year 2019/2020) - Digital Corporate Communication

Economic and Production Processes of the Media Companies

Credits: 6
Content language:Italian
Course description

The module will approach the current media system by adopting an economic perspective aimed at explaining the functioning of the creative industries and their production routines. The module will mainly focus on broadcasting and on the main audiovisual services in the Italian context and of the main international markets, while taking into account the deep changes that are affecting this system in the era of digitalization.


No specific knowledge prerequisites are required. In general, what is required is curiosity and a keen interest in audiovisual media and in their contents.


The module’s objective is to supply the learners with the tools needed to understand the economic-production rationales behind the current media industries and to analyze concrete case histories. In addition, the module aims at familiarizing the students with the many steps of the production and distribution chains of the television content.  

After a first section, devoted to investigating the main features of the media companies and giving an overview of the main international and Italian media groups, there will be a monographic analysis focused, in particular, on some aspects characterizing the production, consumption and distribution of the audiovisual product, between classic broadcasting and the new challenges of the multi-platform scenario, resulting from the digital revolution. Each lesson will feature an illustration of current concrete case histories. 
G. Richeri, Economia dei media, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2012.
M. Scaglioni, A. Sfardini (a cura di), La televisione. Modelli teorici e percorsi d’analisi, Carocci, Roma, 2017
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Laura Carafoli, Luca Salmaso
List of lessons
Laura Carafoli
Laura Carafoli
Laura Carafoli
Laura Carafoli
Laura Carafoli
Laura Carafoli
Laura Carafoli
Laura Carafoli
Laura Carafoli
Laura Carafoli
Laura Carafoli