Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Communication Sciences (Academic Year 2023/2024) - Digital Corporate Communication

Digital Advertising Strategy

Credits: 6
Content language:Italian
Course description

The course of Digital Advertising Strategy deals with the main notions related to the methods used in the professional sector of advertising, promotions and public relations from the new perspective imposed by the digital technological revolution. It analyzes the market scenarios and the consumers’ behavior, the strategic systems conceived to design and spread promotional messages, the new strategies based on the Web pervasiveness and ubiquity (known under the term of Industry 4.0).

Finally, it illustrates the more effective techniques to stimulate creativity and the development of new ideas, including a deepening on the role of the copywriter (writer of promotional messages) on the unconventional communication strategy (Guerrilla, Social Communication, Flash mob, etc.).


An essential element, for those who are interested in the copywriter’s activities, is the interest in written communication, a solid literary culture and a marked attitude towards creativity. A good command of English is required and, as in all current communication activities, a good knowledge of the Internet and of the main computer software packages.


The course main objective is that of supplying the knowledge related to the strategic process that translates marketing and communication objectives into effective creative solutions for advertising campaigns.


The course illustrates the roles, functions and production processes of the advertising system; it analyzes the strategies guiding the creative realization of the messages and their formulation according to the specificities of the various mass media of which it analyzes the main features. In addition, it illustrates some of the components that make the creative process more targeted and effective: how to prepare and decode a briefing, how to analyze a creative proposal, how to allocate a budget, how to measure the effectiveness of a message, ending with an analysis of the techniques that are useful to develop the individual’s creative potentials and all this in the perspective of a cutting-edge digital vision, including appropriate more-in-depth studies of the tools and techniques that nowadays regulate the online environment.



Enrico Cogno – Il talento del comunicatore – Collana Trend - Franco Angeli.

Enrico Cogno – Come risolvere i problemi – Collana Trend - Franco Angeli.


The exercises, meant to train the student in practical activities, are drawn from the professional world: invention of names, preparation of advertising messages, design of a claim, scripts for sequences of storyboards for realizing a copywriter’s book. The exercises consist in the reformulation of advertising messages, in preparing copy strategies and in creating headlines, body copies and payoffs for advertising campaigns.


The assessment system, as regards general notions about advertising, is based on the check of the learning acquired through the video lessons and the suggested texts; the assessment on the exercises, instead, reproduces the same system utilized in a professional environment. The solutions are judged according to simple criteria: how much the creative proposal is in line with the fixed objectives; how much appropriately it is aimed at the target group and how much the persuasive/information aspect of the message allows considering it valid in professional terms.


Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Paolo Odoardi
Video professors
Prof. Paolo Odoardi - Università degli Studi della Repubblica di San Marino (San Marino)
List of lessons
Paolo Odoardi
Paolo Odoardi
Paolo Odoardi
Paolo Odoardi
Paolo Odoardi
Paolo Odoardi
Paolo Odoardi
Paolo Odoardi
Paolo Odoardi
Paolo Odoardi
Paolo Odoardi
Paolo Odoardi
Paolo Odoardi