Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master in Economia Circolare 4.0:Energia, Tecnologia e Ambiente (Academic Year 2021/2022)

MODULO 1 - Gestione dei Progetti

Credits: 6
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course of Project Management deals with the environment in which a project is realized and deeply explore the various aspects to be considered while planning and execute a project. Some topics concerning organization and teamwork are recalled. Then specifically of Project Management, the notion of project is presented, the project life cycle, the management and operational processes are dealt with. Planning and control techniques are described, monitoring and measuring cost, time and resources performance . Related reporting is presented. Finally, some notions of risk management, technical documentation and configuration control are proposed.
This course aims to provide the student of methodological and operational instruments to develop the capability of cooperating to the management of complex projects, characterized by a complex structure of connection among operational activities and resources.
The course of Project Management is formed by 32 lectures, hold by Prof. Stefano Protto. Afret a brief introduction to the Project Management and some recalls concerning the theory of organization, the course deals with the following topics, some of which dealt in different lessons. Definition and characteristic of the project The Project Management Life cycle and planning The phases of the live cycle cof the project Planning and control of the project The cycle and the intrument of planning and control of the project Logic planning of the project Techincal performance Timing and costing planning and control Costing: Recall of cost accounting Costing: estimates and budget Costing: cost control Elements of risk management Principles of tecnica documentation Reporting Behavioral and organizationa aspects
Stefano Protto “Concetti e strumenti di Project Management” II ed. 2006 Franco Angeli. Russel D. Archibald, “Project management. La gestione di progetti e programmi complessi”, ed. Franco Angeli S. Tonchia “Industrial Project Management”, Springer Harold Kerzner, “Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling”, only English edition
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Marta Flamini
List of lessons
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
    •  Lesson n. 31: Reporting  Go to this lesson
Stefano Protto
Stefano Protto
    •  Lesson n. 34: Lezioni in aula 1 Parte 1 - Project Management
    •  Lesson n. 35: Lezioni in aula 1 Parte 2 - Project Management
    •  Lesson n. 42: Lezioni in aula 5 Parte 1 - Project Management