The course aims to address, from a multidisciplinary and multidimensional perspective, some of the main challenges and legal issues posed by the current Covid-19 health emergency. To this end, the course proceeds across the various disciplines involved, which are conceived not as watertight compartments but as parts of a puzzle, whose composition gives shape to a new law of the emergency and in the emergency. |
The course has the following training objectives:
give a clear picture of the main legal implications of the Covid pandemic
provide participants with the theoretical and practical tools to identify and apply the legal rules relevant to the Covid emergency
provide specific know-how and skills to understand in a critical perspective the different regulatory interventions for the management of health emergencies at local, national and international level
The course recognizes a total of 12 ECTS credits, articulated on the following Scientific-Disciplinary Sectors:
Public law and personal data protection law (IUS/09, 3 CFU)
Digital Administration Law (IUS/10, 1 CFU)
International Law (IUS/13, 2 CFU)
Labor law (IUS/07, 3 CFU)
Criminal law (IUS/17, 1 CFU)
Economic law (IUS/05, 1 CFU)
Tax law (IUS/12, 1 CFU)
The following macro-questions are examined during the course, among others:
The role of law in the pandemic
The balancing of rights
Management of the emergency in relations between the various levels of territorial government
Privacy and personal data tracking for the prevention of contagions
Administrative system and strategic digital infrastructures
The World Health Organization: role, powers and structural limits in the Covid emergency
Declaration of the state of emergency, limits and exceptions to internationally recognized human rights
Tax incentives and measures to support the liquidity of families and businesses
Civil and criminal liability of employers
Health emergencies and regulation of the economy
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching