Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671


Estimo e contabilità

Bernardino Chiaia
Professor: Bernardino Chiaia
Curriculum Vitae
Qualification and Scientific-Disciplinary Sector: Professore Ordinario Politecnico di Torino ICAR/08 Scienza delle costruzioni
Didactics - course list:
Architettura dell'Ingegneria e ingegneria dell'architettura (it)
Comportamento meccanico dei materiali (it)
Estimo e contabilità (vuoto) (it)
Fondamenti di meccanica applicata (it)
Geologia e geotecnica (it)
Geology, geodesy and geotechnics (it)
Geotechnic (it)
Industrial plants (it)
Roads and transport infrastructures (it)
Structural engineering (it)
Structural Engineering (it)
Structural Mechanics (fr)
Structural Mechanics (it)
Techincal Mechanics (it)
Theory and design of structures in R.C. and P.R.C. (en)
Theory and design of structures in R.C. and P.R.C. (it)
Theory of real estate valuation and construction costs (en)
Theory of real estate valuation and construction costs (it)
Valuation and theory of evaluations (en)
Valuation and theory of evaluations (it)
Title and authorsInformationYear
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