Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671


Theory and design of structures in R.C. and P.R.C.

Angelo Scrofani
Angelo Scrofani
Qualification and Scientific-Disciplinary Sector:
Didactics - course list:
Academic Year
Three-year Degree Courses - New Regulations (Min. Decree N. 270/2004) Path Course ECTS
Management Engineering Digital Management of Building processes Rational Mechanics and structural analysis (it) 9
Management Engineering Digital Management of Building processes Techincal Mechanics (en) 12
Management Engineering Digital Management of Building processes Techincal Mechanics (it) 12
Second-Cycle Degree Courses - (D.M. 270/2004) Path Course ECTS
Civil Engineering Architettura e ingegneria per la sostenibilità, l'ambiente e le infrastrutture Architettura dell'Ingegneria e ingegneria dell'architettura (it) 6
Civil Engineering Architettura e ingegneria per la sostenibilità, l'ambiente e le infrastrutture Theory and design of structures in R.C. and P.R.C. (it) 9
Civil Engineering Strutture e Infrastrutture Theory and design of structures in R.C. and P.R.C. (it) 9