Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master in International Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management (Academic Year 2021/2022)

Event Management Strategies and Contemporary Issues

Maoustafa Gaballah
Maoustafa Gaballah
Qualification and Scientific-Disciplinary Sector:
Academic Year
Three-year Degree Courses - New Regulations (Min. Decree N. 270/2004) Path Course ECTS
Economics and business administration Business management (with the Berlin School of Business & Innovation) Business law (en) 9
Economics and business administration Business management (with the Berlin School of Business & Innovation) International contract law (en) 9
Economics and business administration Business management (with the Berlin School of Business & Innovation) Introduction to law (en) 9
Economics and business administration Business management (with the Berlin School of Business & Innovation) Organizational dynamics and behaviour (en) 9