Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Psychosocial Disciplines (Academic Year 2023/2024)

Psicologia del Lavoro (ed. 2023)

Tutor: Mariangela Cersosimo
Qualification and Scientific-Disciplinary Sector: Docente a contratto M-PSI/06
Didactics - course list:
Attitudes (it)
Classics of Psychology (it)
Labour sociology (it)
Management of the human resources (it)
MODULO 4 – Psicologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni (it)
Organisational psychology (it)
Organizational Development (it)
Origins and history of psychology (it)
Psicologia del lavoro (Ed.2023) (it)
Psicologia della formazione e dell'orientamento (it)
Psicologia della formazione, dell'orientamento e dell'organizzazione (Ed. 2022) (it)
Psychology of Learning and Orientation (it)
Psychology of work (it)
Psychology training, orientation and organization (it)
Quality management (it)
Social Cognition (it)
The measure of Psychology (it)
The Psychology of development (it)
Transition and Change in the course of a lifetime (it)
Work psychology (it)
Curriculum Vitae