Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Civil Engineering (Academic Year 2006-2007)

General Physics

Video professors: Sami Mahmood - Yarmouk University (Irbid City - Jordan)


Lesson n. 1: Units and standards
   Course material

   Lesson contents


   Physical quantinites: Units and Standards

   Base units

   Derived units

   International System (SI)

   Unit prefixes

   Unit consistency
Go to this lesson Sami Mahmood
Lesson n. 2: Vectors Analysis
   Lesson content

   Vector analysis

   Addition of vectors - graphical method

   Addition of vectors - analytical method

   Multiplying a vector by a scalar

   Scalar product of two vectors

   The vector product
Go to this lesson Sami Mahmood
Lesson n. 3: Kinematics of a particle - part 1
   Lesson contents

   Motion along a straight line


   Position, Velocity, Acceleration

   Average velocity

   Instantaneous velocity



   Motion with constant acceleration
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Lesson n. 4: Kinematics of a particle - part 2
   Lesson contents

   Free-fall acceleration

   Motion in two or three dimensions: Position, Velocity and Acceleration



   Projectile motion

   Horizontal and vertical movement

   The vertical motion

   The maximum height of the projectile

   The equation of the path

   The range of a projectile
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Lesson n. 5: Dynamics of a particle - part 1
   Lesson contents

   Force and Newton’s laws of motion


   Newton's first law

   Newton's second law

   Newton's third law
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Lesson n. 6: Dynamics of a particle - part 2
   Lesson contents

   Applying newton’s laws

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Lesson n. 7: Dynamics of a particle - part 3
   Lesson contents

   Dynamics of circular motion

   Work and energy

   Kinetic energy

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Lesson n. 8: Dynamics of a particle - part 4
   Lesson contents

   Work done by a variable force


   Potential energy and energy conservation

   Conservative and non-conservative forces

   Work, Potential and Kinetic energy
Go to this lesson Sami Mahmood
Lesson n. 9: Dynamics of a particle - part 5
   Lesson contents

   Work and potential energy

   Work done by non conservative forces

   Calculating potential energy

   Mechanical energy and energy conservation

   Work done by non-conservative forces

   Conservation of total energy
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Lesson n. 10: Systems of particles - part 1
   Lesson contents

   The center of mass

   The center of mass of a system of particles

   The center of mass of rigid bodies
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Lesson n. 11: Systems of particles - part 2
   Lesson contents

   The center of mass - Symmetry considerations

   Newton’s second law for a system of particles

   Linear momentum
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Lesson n. 12: Systems of particles - part 3
   Lesson contents

   Linear momentum

   Conservation of linear momentum


   Collisions - Impulse

   Collisions - Conservation of momentum
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Lesson n. 13: Systems of particles - part 4
   Lesson contents

   Solving the problem of one dimensional elastic collision

   Inelastic collisions in one dimension

   Completely inelastic collisions

   Collisions in two dimensions
Go to this lesson Sami Mahmood
Lesson n. 14: Mechanics of rigid body - part 1
   Lesson contents

   Kinematics of a rigid body

   Angular position

   Angular displacement and angular velocity

   Angular acceleration

   Rotation with constant angular acceleration
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Lesson n. 15: Mechanics of rigid body - part 2
   Lesson contents

   Relations between linear and angular variables

   Kinetic energy of rotation

   Moment of inertia

   Dynamics of a rigid body

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Lesson n. 16: Mechanics of rigid body - part 3
   Lesson contents


   Newton’s second law of rotation

   Work and rotational kinetic energy

   Angular momentum

   Conservation of angular momentum
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Lesson n. 17: Elements of fluid mechanics - part 1
   Lesson contents

   Density and pressure

   Fluids at rest

   Measuring pressure
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Lesson n. 18: Elements of fluid mechanics - part 2
   Lesson contents

   Pascal’s principle

   Archimedes’ principle

   Ideal fluids in motion

   The equation of continuity

   Bernoulli’s equation
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Lesson n. 19: Thermodynamics - part 1
   Lesson contents


   The zeroth law of thermodynamics

   Temperature and heat
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Lesson n. 20: Thermodynamics - part 2
   Lesson contents

   Heat capacity and specific heat

   Heat of transformation

   Heat and work
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Lesson n. 21: Thermodynamics - part 3
   Lesson contents

   First law of thermodynamics

   Special cases of the first law of thermodynamics

   Types of thermodynamic processes: Adiabatic and Isochoric processes
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Lesson n. 22: Thermodynamics - part 4
   Lesson contents

   Thermodynamic processes: Isobaric process

   Ideal gasses

   Isothermal expansion of an ideal gas

   The internal energy of an ideal gas

   Molar specific heats of an ideal gas
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Lesson n. 23: Thermodynamics - part 5
   Lesson contents

   Adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas

   Free expansion

   Principles of thermodynamics and heat engines

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Lesson n. 24: Thermodynamics - part 6

   Lesson contents

   Second law of thermodynamics

   Heat engines

   Carnot Engine
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Lesson n. 25: Thermodynamics - part 7
   Lesson contents


   Example on heat engines
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