Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Global MBA (blended Rome edition) (Academic Year 2023/2024)

Big Data and Database Management

Video professors: Barbara Dinter - Chemnitz University of Technology (Chemnitz - Germania)


Lesson n. 1: Introduction
   Overview of the course

   The role of information systems

   Decision making
Go to this lesson Barbara Dinter
Lesson n. 2: Database management systems and entity relationship modeling
   Foundations of database management systems (DBMS)

   The Entity Relationship model
Go to this lesson Barbara Dinter
Lesson n. 3: The relational data model and SQL
   The relational data model

   Querying the data with SQL
Go to this lesson Barbara Dinter
Lesson n. 4: Data warehousing
   The hub and spoke architecture

   The ETL process

   Data warehouse architecture options
Go to this lesson Barbara Dinter
Lesson n. 5: Business intelligence
   Introduction to Business Intelligence (BI)

   Reporting and dashboards
Go to this lesson Barbara Dinter
Lesson n. 6: Multidimensional data model and OLAP
   The multidimensional data model and its operations

   Dimensions and hierarchies
Go to this lesson Barbara Dinter
Lesson n. 7: Implementation of the multidimensional data model
   OLAP architectures

   Relational representation of the multidimensional data model
Go to this lesson Barbara Dinter
Lesson n. 8: Data mining

   Data mining methods
Go to this lesson Barbara Dinter
Lesson n. 9: Corporate performance management
   Motivation and definition

   Implementation of Corporate Performance Management
Go to this lesson Barbara Dinter
Lesson n. 10: Balanced scorecard & customer relationship management
   Balanced Scorecard

   Customer Relationship Management
Go to this lesson Barbara Dinter
Lesson n. 11: BI management & BI trends
   The strategic management of BI

   Hot topics and trends in BI
Go to this lesson Barbara Dinter
Lesson n. 12: Data quality management
   Fundamentals of data quality and DQM

   Implementation of DQM
Go to this lesson Barbara Dinter
Lesson n. 13: Introduction to Big Data
   The V´s of big data

   New technologies and architectures
Go to this lesson Barbara Dinter
Lesson n. 14: Hadoop
   Hadoop and HDFS


   The Hadoop ecosystem
Go to this lesson Barbara Dinter
Lesson n. 15: NoSQL databases
   NoSQL databases

   In memory databases / NewSQL databases
Go to this lesson Barbara Dinter
Lesson n. 16: Text mining
   Overview of big data analytics

   Introduction to text mining
Go to this lesson Barbara Dinter
Lesson n. 17: Web analytics & network analytics
   Web content / structure / usage mining

   (Social) network analytics
Go to this lesson Barbara Dinter
Lesson n. 18: Streaming analytics & visualisation
   Streaming Analytics

   (Big data) visualisation
Go to this lesson Barbara Dinter
Lesson n. 19: Big data driven innovation
   Big data driven use cases and business models

   The role of open innovation and open data
Go to this lesson Barbara Dinter
Lesson n. 20: Big data management & conclusions
   BI and big data - how does that fit?

   Big data management

Go to this lesson Barbara Dinter