Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Global MBA (blended Rome edition) (Academic Year 2020/2021)

ICT for the network organization

Video professors: Antoine Harfouche - Paris West University Nanterre La Défense (Parigi - Francia), Cinzia Dal Zotto - University of Neuchâtel (Neuchâtel - Svizzera)


Lesson n. 1: The network organization: a contemporary organization design
   Organization and Organizational forms

   Classic Organizational Forms

   Network Organizational Form

   Agile Company
Go to this lesson Antoine Harfouche
Lesson n. 2: Strategic alignment in Network organizations
   Strategic alignment

   The business strategic dimension

   The organizational dimension

   The IT strategy dimension

   The technological dimension

   Example: NETJETS
Go to this lesson Antoine Harfouche
Lesson n. 3: Leading network organizations: strategic mission and vision
   Introduction to the Network Organization (Net-O)

   Strategic Purpose


   Corporate Governance

   Corporate Social Responsibility
Go to this lesson Cinzia Dal Zotto
Lesson n. 4: Collaboration in the Supply Chain. EDI based collaboration
   Supply Chain and Supply Chain Management Systems (SCMS)

   Collaborative Supply Chain

   Vendor Management Inventory

   Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR)
Go to this lesson Antoine Harfouche
Lesson n. 5: New business models in network organizations
   A Business Model

   Pillars of Business Model

   Blending the BOS Framework with the BMC
Go to this lesson Antoine Harfouche
Lesson n. 6: Business model architecture for network organizations
   What are business models?

   Open Business models

   Business model dynamics
Go to this lesson Cinzia Dal Zotto
Lesson n. 7: Virtual Firms and e-servuction/E-servitization process
   Digital Economy

   Traditional face-to-face servuction process

   Virtual servuction process

Go to this lesson Antoine Harfouche
Lesson n. 8: Knowledge Management and network organizations
   Knowledge, Knowledge Management (KM), & KM Systems (KMS)

   Organizational learning

   Transforming knowledge

   Enterprise-wide knowledge management systems

   Knowledge work systems (KWS) and Intelligent techniques
Go to this lesson Antoine Harfouche
Lesson n. 9: Co-opetition and co-production
   Advantages of external collaboration

   Cooperative Competition

   Co-production and Strategic Alliances

   Value Chain to Identify potential co-productionADVANTAGES
Go to this lesson Antoine Harfouche
Lesson n. 10: Collaboration in the Supply Chain Internet based collaboration
   Net marketplaces




   Industry consortia

   Trends in Net marketplaces

   Private industrial networks
Go to this lesson Antoine Harfouche
Lesson n. 11: Network organizations to create shared value
   Complex social problems

   Solving CS problems through Shared Values

   ICT and shared value to solve CS problems

   ICT and social business
Go to this lesson Antoine Harfouche
Lesson n. 12: Customer value o-creation and Customization
   Customer value co-creation


   Pitfalls of Customization

   Co-creation in E-communities
Go to this lesson Antoine Harfouche
Lesson n. 13: Customer Relationship Management Systems (CRMS) in network organization
   The Customer Relationship Management strategy

   CLTV and up selling/cross selling

   Classification of CRMS

   CRM Success and failure

   E-Customer Relationship Management Systems (CRM)
Go to this lesson Antoine Harfouche
Lesson n. 14: Optimizing internal collaborations in Network organizations
   Using Databases to Improve the Distribution of Information

   Technology-supported communication

   Workflows –Groupwaresand Enterprise Collaboration
Go to this lesson Antoine Harfouche
Lesson n. 15: Motivation and incentive systems for network organizations
   Motivation and knowledge sharing

   Motivation to perform

   Content motivation theories

   Process motivation theories
Go to this lesson Cinzia Dal Zotto
Lesson n. 16: Leadership approaches for network organization
   The concept of leadership

   Evolution of leadership approaches

   Leadership styles

   Leadership in Net-Org
Go to this lesson Cinzia Dal Zotto
Lesson n. 17: Network organizations and intercultural competence
   Definition of Culture

   Intercultural Competence

   Challenges and opportunities of intercultural competence
Go to this lesson Cinzia Dal Zotto
Lesson n. 18: Network organization and inclusive HRM
   From diversity to inclusion

   Developing a supportive organizational culture

   Best practices and problems
Go to this lesson Cinzia Dal Zotto
Lesson n. 19: Communication and employee engagement in the network organizations
   Communication for employee engagement

   Organizational processes for employee participation

   Enhance creativity
Go to this lesson Cinzia Dal Zotto
Lesson n. 20: Network organizations and integrated strategic marketing approach
   Marketing approaches

   Market segmentation and mix

   New approaches, other than the customer oriented approach?
Go to this lesson Cinzia Dal Zotto
Lesson n. 21: Coperate branding in network organizations
   Brands and their function

   New branding approach

   Corporate branding

   Social media as new vectors
Go to this lesson Cinzia Dal Zotto
Lesson n. 22: Native advertising and network organizations
   Contextual background

   Commercial brands becoming media

   Media becoming commercial brands

   Native advertising

Go to this lesson Cinzia Dal Zotto