Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671 - [WEB-09-07-549-P]

Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria dell'Innovazione Tecnologica (Academic Year 2022/2023) - Digital Technologies for Industry 4.0

Equazioni differenziali ordinarie

Video professors: Artur Ishkhanyan - The Institute for Physical Research (IPR) (Armenia)


Lesson n. 1: The Heun Equations
   General overwiev

   The five Heun equations
Go to this lesson Artur Ishkhanyan
Lesson n. 2: Derivative Heun Equations
   Derivative of the general Heun function

   Expansions using dHEs
Go to this lesson Artur Ishkhanyan
Lesson n. 3: Transformation Of Variables
   Linearity preserving transformations

   Second indipendent solution
Go to this lesson Artur Ishkhanyan
Lesson n. 4: General Heun Equation

   Independent variable transformation

   Independent variable transformation
Go to this lesson Artur Ishkhanyan
Lesson n. 5: Ordinary Hypergeometric Expansions Of The Solutions Of The General Heun Equation part 1 Go to this lesson Artur Ishkhanyan
Lesson n. 6: Ordinary Hypergeometric Expansions Of The Solutions Of The General Heun Equation part 2
   Finite-sum solutions

   The case ε ≤ - 2
Go to this lesson Artur Ishkhanyan
Lesson n. 7: Confluent Hypergeometric Expansions Of The Solutions Of the Confluent Heun Equation part 1

   Expansion 1
Go to this lesson Artur Ishkhanyan
Lesson n. 8: Confluent Hypergeometric Expansions Of The Solutions Of the Confluent Heun Equation part 2
   Expansion 2

   Expansion 3

   Physical example: quantum two-state problem
Go to this lesson Artur Ishkhanyan
Lesson n. 9: Hermite Function Expansions Of The Solutions Of BHE part 1

Go to this lesson Artur Ishkhanyan
Lesson n. 10: Hermite Function Expansions Of The Solutions Of BHE part 2
   Finite-sum solutions

   Biconfluent Heun potentials for the Schrodinger equation
Go to this lesson Artur Ishkhanyan
Lesson n. 11: Generalized Hypergeometric Solutions Of The General Heun Equation part 1

   Solution examples
Go to this lesson Artur Ishkhanyan
Lesson n. 12: Generalized Hypergeometric Solutions Of The General Heun Equation part 2

   A physical example:the third exactly solvable hypergeometric potential for the Schrodinger equation
Go to this lesson Artur Ishkhanyan
Lesson n. 13: Generalized Confluent Hypergeometric Solutions Of The Confluent Heun Equation part 1 Go to this lesson Artur Ishkhanyan
Lesson n. 14: Generalized Confluent Hypergeometric Solutions Of The Confluent Heun Equation part 2
   Derivations for non-zero ε

   A physical example
Go to this lesson Artur Ishkhanyan
Lesson n. 15: Heun Function Solutions Of The Schrödinger Equation part 1

   Classical hypergeometric potentials
Go to this lesson Artur Ishkhanyan
Lesson n. 16: Heun Function Solutions Of The Schrödinger Equation part 2
   Discretization of Natanzon potentials

   Heun potentials for the Schrodinger equation
Go to this lesson Artur Ishkhanyan
Lesson n. 17: Quantum Two-State Problem: Solutions In Terms Of The Heun Functions
   Class property of solvable two-state models

   Heun function solutions of the two-state problem
Go to this lesson Artur Ishkhanyan
Lesson n. 18: Series Solutions Of Confluent Heun Equations In Terms Of Gamma Functions
   Introduction: the approach

   Extra singularity

   Heuristic observations
Go to this lesson Artur Ishkhanyan
Lesson n. 19: Solving Differential Equations With Mathematica Dsolve
   DSolve function

Go to this lesson Artur Ishkhanyan
Lesson n. 20: Heun Functions in Wolfram Language

   Heun functions in Mathematica
Go to this lesson Artur Ishkhanyan