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Events 2017


January     February     March     May     June     July     September     October     December
Infoday progetto "TOGIVE" 20/12/2017 Roma - Sala Multimediale Uninettuno - Piazza Grazioli, 17 Il 20 Dicembre 2017 si è svolto presso la sede dell''Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno il secondo Infoday del progetto Togive (Transatlantic Open Government Dialogue).
UNINETTUNO presenta la prima nazionale di “Hijra – L’esilio del flautista” di Nour Eddine Fatty 19/12/2017 Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno - Sala Conferenze V piano - Roma Il 19 dicembre, alle ore 12.00, l''Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO ospita la conferenza stampa di presentazione del recital "Hijra - L''esilio del flautista", dell''artista marocchino Nour Eddine Fatty, musicista di origine berbera, direttore artistico della UNINETTUNO World Orchestra e oggi uno dei riferimenti più significativi della musica nordafricana in Italia.
UNINETTUNO alla conferenza annuale EADTU.Dal 25 al 27 ottobre alla Open University in UK dd/MM/yyyy-27/10/2017 Milton Keines (UK) Dopo la splendida esperienza da padrone di casa della scorsa edizione, quest’anno l’Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO vola in UK, per partecipare - unica telematica italiana presente all’appuntamento – alla Conferenza organizzata dall’European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), ospitata dalla The Open University a Milton Keynes, cuore dell’Open Education.
Conference "Rome, What Tools for the Governance the Capital? Dialogue among Experts and Institutions" 10/10/2017 Rome – UNINETTUNO Multimedia Hall - Piazza Grazioli, 17 A conference – organized by UNINETTUNO, in collaboration with the journal “Federalismi – to take stock of the long-running question of the management of Rome Capital. Among the speakers there will be experts and representatives of the institutions including: Beniamino Caravita, Sabino Cassese, Maurizio Gasparri, Giuseppe Roma, Filippo Tortoriello and Luigi Zanda. Moderator: Massimo Martinelli of "Il Messaggero".
Conference "The University of the XXI Century between Tradition and Innovation – The Digital University, is the Future here?” 06/10/2017 Rome - Young International Forum - Sala Europa, Ex Mattatoio Testaccio On the 6th October, at 11 am (Sala Europa), in the frame work of the Young International Forum, The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO organizes the conference entitled: “The University of the XXI Century between Tradition and Innovation – The Digital University, is the Future here?”Among the participants the Rector of UNINETTUNO, Maria Amata Garito, and the Director of the “Corriere dell’Università”, Mariano Berriola.
The first 12 Somali students of the International Master of Science in "Health Management" completed their study path 04/10/2017 International Telematic University UNINETTUNO – Conference Hall – 5th Floor – Rome Today 12 Somali students of the International Master of Science in "Health Management", together with other 6 students from all over the world, defended their final theses, thus completing their study path at UNINETTUNO.
UNINETTUNO opens its doors to the Italian Chamber of Commerce for Germany to promote business opportunities between the two countries in the e-learning sector 28/09/2017 International Telematic University UNINETTUNO – Conference Hall – 5th Floor – Rome On September the 28th , from 9 am to 2 pm, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO hosts the event “Internationalization and Business Opportunities in the Educational Sector with a Special Focus on e-Learning: How meeting 15 German business visiting Italy”.
UNINETTUNO presents “À Première Vue – A Window on the Young Talents of the Mediterranean Cinema » at the 10th edition of the Mediterranean Video Festival 16/09/2017 Ascea Velia (Salerno, Italy), Palazzo De Dominicis-Ricci In the framework of the Mediterranean Video Festival, running from the 15th to the 17th in Ascea Velia, UNINETTUNO, in cooperation with COPEAM, presents “À Première Vue“, a festival for non-competing short films realized by young talents of the Mediterranean Area coming from the schools of cinema of Beirut, Marrakech and Tunis. The Rector of UNINETTUNO, Maria Amata Garito, will be attending the event.
Inauguration of the New UNINETTUNO Technological Pole in Lanciano 14/09/2017 Palazzo degli Studi (Lanciano) With the signature of an agreement between UNINETTUNO and the University Consortium of Lanciano and of the convention with the ITS-Sistema Meccanica, a new UNINETTUNO Technological Pole was inaugurated in the town of the Frentani people, the first one in the Abruzzo Region.
Convegno "National Symposium on Interdisciplinary and Science Based Research on Nuclear Fusion and High energy Plasmas" 11/09/2017 Roma - Sala Multimediale Uninettuno - Piazza Grazioli, 17 Il convegno internazionale, organizzato dalla Sezione di Matematica della Facoltà di Ingegneria di Uninettuno e dedicato alla memoria del fisico Arrigo Sestero, coinvolge relatori di chiara fama, per creare un momento di riflessione e ricerca su un tema di grande interesse scientifico.

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