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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

Events November 2020


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UNINETTUNO Digital Talks in the NET Project’s framework waiting for the 2020 European Researchers’ Night dd/MM/yyyy-27/11/2020 In live streaming on UNINETTUNO Portal and on UNINETTUNO Facebook Page 2020 European Researchers’ Night, UNINETTUNO Digital Talks: Wednesday, 25th November, at 5:30 pm, "Cities vs Distancing: New Sharing Strategies in the Digital Era” and Friday, the 27th November, at 4:00 pm, ”The Blue Planet: travel notes of satellites observing the Earth”.
Digital Talk, “China and the world. The Long March Towards a Community of Shared Future for Mankind" 16/11/2020 In diretta streaming sul portale UNINETTUNO e sulla Pagina Facebook UNINETTUNO Lunedì 16 novembre alle ore 10, si svolge il Digital Talk “China and the world. The Long March Towards a Community of Shared Future for Mankind".Il sinologo ed esperto di relazioni internazionali, David Gosset, discuterà con il Prof. Louis Godart, docente dell''Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO, sugli scenari di cooperazione tra la Cina e l’Occidente, Stati Uniti su tutti, in una fase che ha fatto parlare, sotto certi aspetti, di dinamiche da “guerra fredda”.
The UNINETTUNO University hosts the e-World Marketing Summit, the biggest online strategic marketing event. dd/MM/yyyy-07/11/2020 In live streaming on a reserved area of the UNINETTUNO portal On the 6th and 7th November 2020 the UNINETTUNO University hosts the e-World Marketing Summit,
the biggest online strategic marketing event.Over 80 lecturers, top managers and experts in sustainable economy present their ideas for the future of the global economy in the post-COVID era.

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