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The International Distance University doubles last year success RAI NETTUNO SAT 1: the first television in four languages won the Hot Bird Awards 2006 The Rector Prof. Garito said: “Our university lessons in Italian, French, Arabic and English are a positive example of confrontation among different cultures thanks to the new technologies”


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Also in 2006, after the recognition of the past year, the International Telematic University Uninettuno was awarded the prestigious prize “Hot Bird TV Awards 2006” for the section “Culture and Education” on the television channels RAI NETTUNO SAT. A relevant recognition of the thematic television channels run by the academic world, that for the diffusion of knowledge and thought among the European and the world countries, carry out an important role to get cultures and civilizations nearer.

This year thanks to the project Med Net’U Mediterranean Universities Network, the satellite channels Rai Sat Nettuno broadcasted university and vocational lessons in four languages:Italian, French, English and Arabic, thus becoming mediators among the different cultures in the Mediterranean Basin and in all of Europe.
Hot Bird TV Awards is the first international prize promoted by Eutelsat and Eurovisions, which aims at the support and promotion of the quality of satellite TV scheduling. The members of the jury have examined about 100 television channels from Europe, Asia and South America broadcasted by Eutelsat satellites and have analysed the quality both of the contents and of the images, but also the singularity and the rigour of the schedule regarding information, entertainment, education and others categories of the prize.
Prof. Maria Amata Garito, Director General of the Consortium Nettuno and Rector of the International Telematic University Uninettuno, said: “ This prize-giving has a double meaning: above all it encourages us to believe that our engagement, aiming at offering to the Mediterraanean audience a high quality educational and cultural television program, has not been vain; besides, it represents the recognition of an environment in which prevails the language of the collaboration and the refusal of war. That the two channels of RAI NETTUNO SAT stand out from the many commercial and entertaining ones, means that the audience follows nearer the thematic channels run by the academic world. Our International Telematic University Uninettuno, born from the development of the project Med Net’U for the creation of a network of Euromediterranean Universities, offers lessons of the best professors from the Universities of the European and Mediterranean countries in four languages: Italian, English, French and Arabic.” She concluded: “The partners of the project Med Net’U, representing 11 Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Jordan, Italy, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Greece) are the evidence of the value of the didactical interchange among all the Mediterranean Universities as well as of the spirit of dialogue which characterizes the activities carried out in complete synergy”.