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UNINETTUNO attending the third meeting of the Views Project in Aydin


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On Monday, Jan. 23, the third meeting of the transnational VIEWS project, which has the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO among its partners, was held in Aydin, Turkey.

The VIEWS project aims to support the professional development of educators and training professionals working with migrants who address the challenges of equity and inclusion in the learning environment. The objectives are to enable and promote the participation of learners from disadvantaged backgrounds; to strengthen learner-centered approaches and personalization of learning; to support better practices to meet the needs of disadvantaged groups and address differences in learning outcomes; and to test new approaches to address social, ethnic, linguistic, and cultural diversity.

The project aims to follow and implement EU policies and generate added value, relying in turn on the opportunity to increase the common base for trainer exchanges and mobility among VET organizations that potentially offer common approaches to migrants moving from one country to another.

Besides UNINETTUNO, the project partners include:
Nefinia (Netherlands)
Stando Ltd (Cyprus)
EVM S.L. (Spain)
Surdurulebilir Kalkinma Dernegib (Turkey)
21.YY Egitimciler Dernegi (Turkey)

For further details click here:
or see the project website: