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Conference "The Challenges of Quality in e-Learning Universities"


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The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO redoubledmatriculations since 2008 and stands as reference model for e-learninginternational quality standards in Europe.At the “The Challenges of Quality in e-Learning Universities” Conference that will be held onthe 11th December 2009 in the premises of the Conference of the Rectors of the ItalianUniversities of Rome, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO as an exampleof excellence in Europe.

In Europe the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO is considered as a reference model as itregards distance teaching processes: the upward trend of the latest matriculations shows a 100% increase ofnew matriculations dating from the 30th November 2008. This growth in enrolments results from the overallquality of the services that the UTIU offers to the students and that have given rise to a favourable grapevinethat can be found in the blogs and forums of the enrolled students and of young people who exchangeinformation about universities on the Web.
UNINETTUNO is deeply engaged in assuring the quality of its educational model by means of a continuouscontrol over the training pathways delivered and over learning progress. Moreover, the international scope ofthe International Telematic University UNINETTUNO is keeping on growing: apart from the manyacademic agreements with several universities worldwide, every year the UTIU sees the amount of itsenrolled students, coming from 34 countries of the world, growing (see enclosure).In the framework of the “The Challenges of Quality in e-Learning Universities” Seminar that will be held onthe 11th December 2009, in the premises of the Conference of the Rectors of the Italian Universities, PiazzaRondanini, 48, Rome, the results of the E-xcellence+, a project funded by the European Commission, whichcontributed to identify the assessment criteria and quality standards of the distance teaching system and of elearningto be adopted at European level, will be illustrated.This project, that involved the best European distance teaching universities and among them the InternationalTelematic University UNINETTUNO (the only Italian distance teaching university that is member of theAssociation of Distance Teaching Universities, EADTU, as well as of the global board, ICDE – InternationalCouncil for Open and Distance Education), allowed to lead the way for integrating e-learning qualityassessment parameters at European level and to highlight the fact that distance teaching is and can be asynonym for quality in education when we follow the best practices that get established at international level.
Practices that the European Universities identified in the psycho-pedagogic model adopted by theInternational Telematic University UNINETTUNO, born from the results of many years of research workconducted by the Rector, Prof. Maria Amata Garito and by her assistants. The model adopted enabled torealise the first portal in the world http://www.uninettunouniversity.net) where, in the didacticcyberspace, teaching and learning are carried out in 4 languages (Italian, Arabic, English and French)
and where the students’ learning processes are supported by computer-based networks and in an interactiveway by expert teachers/tutors.
In the last year, thanks to this model, matriculations redoubled and over 85% of the students who enrolled in2006 (during the experimental phase) have already successfully completed their studies almost succeeding infully overcoming the problem of giving up studies occurring in traditional universities.Among the participants in the conference there will be experts of quality assessment of e-learning and ofboth traditional and distance universities: Dr. Piet Henderikx, Secretary General of EADTU, Prof. GeorgeUbachs, Manager of E-xcellence+ Project, Prof. Luigi Biggeri, President of the Italian National Council forthe Evaluation of the University System, the Lawyer Daniela Salmini, President of the Board of Evaluationof the UTIU and Prof. Prof. Joost Lowyck, Professor at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. The Conferencewill be chaired by the Rector, Prof. Maria Amata Garito.