Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Génie de Gestion (Academic Year 2008-2009)

Structure de donnèes et techniques de programmation

CFU: 6
Langue du contenu:Anglais
Description du cours
The class completes the basic knowledge in terms of computer programming using the C language.
Programming skills are seen as a way to solve problems of increasing complexity focusing on the designer’s ability of the students. Notions related to the dynamic memory structures, abstract data types, and recursive programming are introduced.
Connaissances requises
Conoscenze di base di matematica e di logica matematica, nonché conoscenze di base della struttura dell’elaboratore e dell’aritmetica dell’elaboratore.
Il corso si pone come obiettivo quello di portare gli allievi ad un buon livello di conoscenza della programmazione. L’illustrazione delle principali istruzioni e costrutti supportati dal linguaggio di programmazione trattato durante il corso sarà affiancata da un cospicuo numero di esempi svolti commentati dal docente e da esercizi da svolgere a casa a cura degli allievi.
C language complements [9 hours]: files, strings, structures, dynamic memory allocation
Simple problem solving: quadratic sorting algorithms, linear and binary search, merge of arrays, dynamic manipulation of one-dimensional arrays, dynamic manipulation of two-dimensional arrays, queues and stacks on static and dynamic array structures.
Recursion basics: recursion tree, termination condition. Simple recursive problem solving: factorial computation, Fibonacci’s numbers, binary search, merge sort, the 8-queens problem.
Basic dynamic data structures: lists, queues, stacks
Basic notions of algorithms’ complexity.
Professeur/Tuteur responsable enseignement
Professeur non disponible
Enseignant vidéo
Prof. Abdellatif el Faker - Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique et d'Analyse des Systèmes (Agdal/Rabat - Morocco)
Liste des leçons
    •  Leçon n. 1: Files  Go to this lesson
Farouk Al Omari
    •  Leçon n. 2: Pointers I  Go to this lesson
Farouk Al Omari
    •  Leçon n. 3: Pointers II  Go to this lesson
Farouk Al Omari
    •  Leçon n. 4: Strings  Go to this lesson
Farouk Al Omari
    •  Leçon n. 5: Structures  Go to this lesson
Farouk Al Omari
    •  Leçon n. 6: Sorting I  Go to this lesson
Farouk Al Omari
    •  Leçon n. 7: Sorting II  Go to this lesson
Farouk Al Omari
    •  Leçon n. 8: Sorting III  Go to this lesson
Farouk Al Omari
    •  Leçon n. 9: Searching  Go to this lesson
Farouk Al Omari
    •  Leçon n. 10: 2d Arrays  Go to this lesson
Farouk Al Omari
    •  Leçon n. 11: Stacks I  Go to this lesson
Farouk Al Omari
    •  Leçon n. 12: Stacks II  Go to this lesson
Farouk Al Omari
    •  Leçon n. 13: Queues I  Go to this lesson
Farouk Al Omari
    •  Leçon n. 14: Queues II  Go to this lesson
Farouk Al Omari
    •  Leçon n. 15: Queues III  Go to this lesson
Farouk Al Omari
Farouk Al Omari
Farouk Al Omari
Farouk Al Omari
Farouk Al Omari
Farouk Al Omari
    •  Leçon n. 21: Recursion I  Go to this lesson
Farouk Al Omari
    •  Leçon n. 22: Recursion II  Go to this lesson
Farouk Al Omari
    •  Leçon n. 23: Recursion III  Go to this lesson
Farouk Al Omari
    •  Leçon n. 24: Recursion IV  Go to this lesson
Farouk Al Omari
Farouk Al Omari