Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master in European Law and Policies (Academic Year 2012/2013)

Foreing and Commercial Policy of the European Union

CFU: 4
Langue du contenu:Français
Description du cours

These video-lectures provide for an overview of the foreign policy of the European Union with a specific focus on the historical events, institutional aspects and latest developments occurred in the last decades which have been contributing to crafting a more incisive role of the EUat global level. In light of the latest developments, these video-lectures offer the tools to analyse the current challenges the European Union is deemed to address acting as a unique global actor. The analysis of the European foreign policy considers the historical steps that brought to the introduction of a Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), the institutional structure of its decision-making process, the legal framework and peculiarities of its method. A specific section of this course deepensthe economic domain and the role of the EU in the current international panorama characterised by multi-sectoral crises.

Connaissances requises

History and Institutions of the European Union -The Economics of European Integration and Sustainable Development


This course is meant to provide students with a theoretical framework of the European foreign policy. After engaging with the contents presented in this course, including the associated exercises and readings, the student should be able to demonstrate an awareness about: the main characteristics of the European foreign policy; the political and historical reasons of its peculiar nature; the developments of the European role in a challenging geopolitical framework, considering the economic, social and political spheres. 


These video-lectures deals with the historical and the political path in bulilding-up a EU coherent identity in the international relations, in their social, economic and political dimensions. In particular, the economic spheres is taken into consideration and in light of the latest developments and initiatives adopted in time of crises.

Panos Koutrakos: European Foreign Policy: Legal and Political Perspectives (Cap. 1,2,5); Richard Baldwin and Charles Wyplosz: The Economic of European Integration (Cap.11-12) Mc Graw Hill 4th edition; Joshua Meltzer: The Internet, Cross- Border Data Flows and International Trade

At the end of this module, the student is expected to answer to open questions related to the main issues the video-lectures refer to.

Professeur/Tuteur responsable enseignement
Professeur non disponible
Enseignant vidéo
Prof. Alessandro Fusacchia - Istituto di Studi Politici di Parigi (Francia)
Liste des leçons