Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

MOOC Massive Open Online Courses (Academic Year 2022/2023)

The European Legal and Political System

CFU: 6
Langue du contenu:Anglais
Description du cours
The European Union law is analized in this module as a legal system, under the perspective and methodology of the comprative law. the module analizes the dynamics in the emerging European democracy, the main aspects of decision-making process and the main innovations brought by the Treaty of Lisbon.
This course aims at supplying the information and skills necessary to understand the European Union as a new, peculiar legal system, also in a comparative legal approach. During the training path, the student will get to know the distinctive characters and the main methods of the European legislative process.
The European Legal and Political System
Selected reading materials, bibliography, useful links are already uploaded (and on-going updated) for this module.
Written exercises are provided for this module, in the form of written essays, and shall be scheduled by the tutor.
Professeur/Tuteur responsable enseignement
Professeur non disponible
Liste des leçons
Pierpaolo Settembri
Pierpaolo Settembri
Pierpaolo Settembri
Pierpaolo Settembri
Pierpaolo Settembri
Vincenzo Zeno Zencovich
Vincenzo Zeno Zencovich
Vincenzo Zeno Zencovich
Vincenzo Zeno Zencovich