Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master in International Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management (Academic Year 2018/2019)

Hospitality Operations Management

CFU: 10
Langue du contenu:Anglais
Description du cours

This module is designed to emphasise the strategic importance of operations management to the overall performance of hospitality organisations. This module provides the student with the opportunity to practice operational management skills and apply theoretical concepts in real life situations.


The aims of this module are to encourage students to:


  • Develop and be able to demonstrate a clear understanding of the importance of operations management to performance of firms in hospitality industry.
  • Analyse the range of approaches to managing operations in hospitality organisations.
  • Critically assess different systems of managing productivity being used and suggest ways of improving service delivery within organisations.
  • Apply theoretical concepts practically in real scenarios.
Professeur/Tuteur responsable enseignement
Professeur non disponible
Liste des leçons
Marios Mexexiadis
Marios Mexexiadis
Marios Mexexiadis
Marios Mexexiadis
Marios Mexexiadis
Marios Mexexiadis
Marios Mexexiadis
Marios Mexexiadis
Marios Mexexiadis
Marios Mexexiadis
Marios Mexexiadis
Marios Mexexiadis
Marios Mexexiadis
Marios Mexexiadis
Marios Mexexiadis