Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Ingénierie Informatique (Academic Year 2013/2014) - Information and communication technologies engineering (réservé aux étudiants de l'Université Helwan, Le Caire, Egypte)



Leçon n. 1: Units and standards
   Course material

   Lesson contents


   Physics: An Experimental Science

   Physical quantinites: Units and Standards

   Base units

   Derived units

   International System (SI)

   Unit prefixes

   Unit consistency
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Leçon n. 2: Vectors Analysis
   Lesson content

   Vector analysis

   Addition of vectors - graphical method

   Addition of vectors - analytical method

   Multiplying a vector by a scalar

   Scalar product of two vectors

   The vector product
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Leçon n. 3: Kinematics of a particle - part 1
   Lesson contents


   Motion along a straight line

   Position, Velocity, Acceleration

   Average velocity

   Instantaneous velocity



   Motion with constant acceleration
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Leçon n. 4: Kinematics of a particle - part 2
   Lesson contents

   Free-fall acceleration

   Motion in two or three dimensions: Position, Velocity and Acceleration

   Projectile motion

   Horizontal and vertical movement

   The maximum height of the projectile

   The equation of the path

   The range of a projectile
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Leçon n. 5: Dynamics of a particle - part 1
   Lesson contents

   Dynamics: Forces


   Newton'slaws of Mechanics

   Newton's first law

   Newton's second law

   Newton's third law

   Motion of particles

   Free body diagam
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Leçon n. 6: Dynamics of a particle - part 2
   Lesson contents


   Applying newton’s laws

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Leçon n. 7: Dynamics of a particle - part 3
   Lesson contents

   Dynamics of circular motion

   Centripetal Force

   Energy and Kinetic Energy


   Work done by gravitational forces
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Leçon n. 8: Dynamics of a particle - part 4
   Lesson contents

   Work done by a variable force

   Work done by a spring force


   Potential energy and energy conservation

   Conservative and non-conservative forces

   Work, Potential and Kinetic energy
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Leçon n. 9: Dynamics of a particle - part 5
   Lesson contents

   Work and potential energy

   Work done by non conservative forces

   Calculating potential energy

   Mechanical energy and energy conservation

   Work done by non-conservative forces

   Conservation of total energy
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Leçon n. 10: Systems of particles - part 1
   Lesson contents

   The center of mass

   The center of mass of a system of particles

   The center of mass of rigid bodies
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Leçon n. 11: Systems of particles - part 2
   Lesson contents

   The center of mass - Symmetry considerations

   Newton’s second law for a system of particles

   Linear momentum
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Leçon n. 12: Systems of particles - part 3
   Lesson contents

   Linear momentum

   Conservation of linear momentum


   Collisions - Impulse

   Collisions - Conservation of momentum

   Elastic collisions: Conservation of energy

   Inelastic collisions

   Elastic collision in one dimension
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Leçon n. 13: Systems of particles - part 4
   Lesson contents

   Solving the problem of one dimensional elastic collision

   Inelastic collisions in one dimension

   Completely inelastic collisions

   Collisions in two dimensions
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Leçon n. 14: Mechanics of rigid body - part 1
   Lesson contents

   Motion of a rigid body

   Kinematics of a rigid body

   Angular position

   Angular displacement and angular velocity

   Angular acceleration

   Rotation with constant angular acceleration
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Leçon n. 15: Mechanics of rigid body - part 2
   Lesson contents

   Relations between linear and angular variables

   Kinetic energy of rotation

   Moment of inertia

   Dynamics of a rigid body

   Parallel axis theorem

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Leçon n. 16: Mechanics of rigid body - part 3
   Lesson contents


   Newton’s second law of rotation

   Work and rotational kinetic energy

   Angular momentum

   Conservation of angular momentum
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Leçon n. 17: Elements of fluid mechanics - part 1
   Lesson contents


   Density and pressure

   Fluids at rest

   Measuring pressure
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Leçon n. 18: Elements of fluid mechanics - part 2
   Lesson contents

   Pascal’s principle

   Archimedes’ principle

   Ideal fluids in motion

   The equation of continuity

   Bernoulli’s equation
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Leçon n. 19: Thermodynamics - part 1
   Lesson contents

   Thermodynamic Systems and Transformations


   The zeroth law of thermodynamics

   Thermodynamic Systems: Heat

   Temperature and heat

   Units of heat

   Heat capacity
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Leçon n. 20: Thermodynamics - part 2
   Lesson contents

   Heat capacity and specific heat

   Heat of transformation

   Heat and work
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Leçon n. 21: Thermodynamics - part 3
   Lesson contents

   First law of thermodynamics

   Special cases of the first law of thermodynamics

   Types of thermodynamic processes: Adiabatic and Isochoric processes
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Leçon n. 22: Thermodynamics - part 4
   Lesson contents

   Thermodynamic processes: Isobaric process

   Thermodynamics of boiling water

   Thermodynamic processes: Isothermal process

   Ideal gasses

   Isothermal expansion of an ideal gas

   The internal energy of an ideal gas

   Molar specific heats of an ideal gas
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Leçon n. 23: Thermodynamics - part 5
   Lesson contents

   Adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas

   Free expansion

   Principles of thermodynamics and heat engines


   Change in Entropy of a free expansion of an ideal gas

   Entropy Postulate modified
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Leçon n. 24: Thermodynamics - part 6
   Lesson contents

   Second law of thermodynamics

   Heat engines

   Carnot Engine

   Carnot Cycle

   Efficiency of a Carnot Engine

   Perfect engine

   Stirling Engine
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Leçon n. 25: Thermodynamics - part 7
   Lesson contents


   Example on heat engines
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Leçon n. 26: Electrostatics

   Electrostatic Charges

   Charge Quantization

   Conservation of Charge

   Distribution of Charge

   Coulomb's Law

   Derivation of the Inverse Square Law
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Leçon n. 27: Electric Fields
   Lesson Content


   The Electric Field

   Electric Field Lines

   Electric Field of a Point Charge

   Electric Field of a Distribution of Charges

   Electric Field of an Electric Dipole

   Electric Dipole in an Electric Field
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Leçon n. 28: Gauss'Law and Applications
   Lesson Content


   Flux of an Electric Field

   Gauss’ Law

   Flux of a Point Charge

   Application of Gauss’ Law: Cylindrical Symmetry

   Application of Gauss’ Law: Planar Symmetry

   Application of Gauss’ Law: Spherical Symmetry

   Differential Form of Gauss’ Law
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Leçon n. 29: Electric Potential
   Lesson Content

   Electrostatic Potential Energy

   Electrostatic Potential

   Relation Between the Electric Field and the Potential

   The Electric Dipole

   Equipotential Surfaces

   Poisson Equation

   Laplace’s Equation

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Leçon n. 30: Capacitance and Electric Field Energy
   Lesson Content



   Capacitance of a Single Conductor

   Parallel-Plate Capacitor

   Units of Capacitance

   Capacitors in Parallel

   Capacitors in Series

   Systems of Conductors

   Electric Field Energy
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Leçon n. 31: Dielectrics
   Lesson Content



   Electric Susceptibility

   Electric Displacement
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Leçon n. 32: Electric Current and Resistance (I)
   Lesson Content


   Electric Current



   Ohm’s Law

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Leçon n. 33: Electric Current and Resistance (II)
   Lesson Content

   Resistance Calculation

   Non-uniform Conductor

   Two Concentric Cylinders

   Resistors in Series

   Resistors in Parallel

   Joule Effect
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Leçon n. 34: Electric Circuits
   Lesson Content


   Electric Current



   Ohm’s Law

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Leçon n. 35: Electric Circuits: Circuit Analysis (I)
   Lesson Content

   Resistance Calculation

   Non-uniform Conductor

   Two Concentric Cylinders

   Resistors in Series

   Resistors in Parallel

   Joule Effect
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Leçon n. 36: Electric Circuits: Circuit Analysis (II)
   Lesson Content

   Thévenin’s Theorem

   Theory of Maximum Power Transfer

   Unbalanced Wheatstone Bridge

   Norton’s Theorem


   Superposition Theorem
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Leçon n. 37: Magnetic Fields
   Lesson Content


   Magnetic Field in Vacuum

   Magnetic Force on a Moving Charge

   Lorentz Force

   Hall Effect

   Magnetic Field Lines

   Magnetic Force on a Current

   Magnetic Force and Torque on a Current Loop
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Leçon n. 38: Magnetic Fields Due to Currents (I)
   Lesson Content


   Forces Between Two Currents

   Laplace Force Law

   Biot-Savart Law

   Applications of Biot-Savart Law

   The Divergence of The Magnetic Induction
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Leçon n. 39: Magnetic Fields Due to Currents (II)
   Lesson Content


   Ampere’s Law

   Applications of Ampere’s Law

   Forces Between Two Parallel Wires

   Differential Form of Ampere’s Law

   The Vector Potential

   The Magnetic Flux

   Gauge Invariance
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Leçon n. 40: Electromagnetic Introduction
   Lesson Content


   Experimental Approach

   Faraday’s Law

   Lenz’s Law

   Induction and Energy Transfer
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Leçon n. 41: Inductance
   Lesson Content



   Self-inductance of a long solenoid

   Self-inductance of a toroid

   Mutual Inductance

   Two Coaxial Solenoids

   Energy of a Magnetic Field
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Leçon n. 42: Maxwell's Equations
   Lesson Content

   Electromagnetic Equations - static case

   Electromagnetic Equations - dynamic case

   Displacement Current

   Maxwell’s Equations in Vacuum

   Gauge Invariance

   Lorentz Gauge
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Leçon n. 43: Electromagnetic Energy - Poynting Vector
   Lesson Content


   Electromagnetic Energy

   Poynting Vector

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Leçon n. 44: Geometrical Optics: Reflection and Refraction
   Lesson Content


   Light Rays and Rectilinear Propagation

   Superposition Principle

   Theoretical Basis of Geometrical Optics


   Speed of Light

   Law of Reflection

   Index of Refraction

   Fermat’s Principle

   Law of Refraction

   Fermat’s Principle: Reflection

   Fermat’s Principle: Refraction

   Image Construction
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Leçon n. 45: Geometrical Optics: Spherical Surfaces
   Lesson Content

   Reflection from a Spherical Surface

   Concave Mirror

   Convex Mirror

   Sign convention

   Mirror Equation

   Image Construction

   Refraction at a Spherical Surface

   Convex Surface

   Concave Surface

   Refracting surface equation

   Lateral Magnification
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Leçon n. 46: Geometrical Optics: Lenses and Optical Instruments
   Lesson Content




   Types of lenses

   Thin Lens Approximation

   Compound Lenses

   Magnifiers and Microscopes

   The Telescope

   The Camera
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Leçon n. 47: Didactic materials related to the entire course