Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Génie Civil (Academic Year 2017/2018) - Edilizia e Progettazione (ad esaurimento)

Architectural Design

Leçon vidéo

Leçon n. 1: Landscape, human environment and history in Italian architecture
   The Landscape

   The Human Environment

   The Legacy of History

   The Myth of the Grand Tour
Go to this lesson Valerio Paolo Mosco
Leçon n. 2: The Italian way to Modernity
   From Liberty to Futurism

   Masters od Razionalismo italiano

   Giuseppe Terragni
Go to this lesson Valerio Paolo Mosco
Leçon n. 3: The engineering and two schools
   The Development of the Italian Engineering

   Two Schools: Rome

   Two Schools: Milan
Go to this lesson Valerio Paolo Mosco
Leçon n. 4: From Neo-Realism to Realism, to arrive to the mith of the big dimension
   The sources of Neorealism

   Adalberto Libera

   Mario Ridolfi

   Ludovico Quaroni

   The Myth of the Big Dimension
Go to this lesson Valerio Paolo Mosco
Leçon n. 5: The Italian master: ’50-‘70
   Giovanni Michelucci

   Luigi Moretti

   Ignazio Gardella

   Franco Albini

   Carlo Scarpa
Go to this lesson Valerio Paolo Mosco
Leçon n. 6: The Tendenza and the Radical
   The Tendenza: Giorgio Grassi

   The Tendenza: Aldo Rossi

   The Radical: Archizoom

   The Radical: Superstudio
Go to this lesson Valerio Paolo Mosco
Leçon n. 7: Contemporary Italian Architects
   Renzo Piano Building Workshop

   Massimiliano Fuksas

   Other Contemporary Italian Architects
Go to this lesson Valerio Paolo Mosco
Leçon n. 8: Italian Design: until 60's
   Art History

   Economic Conditions

   Families Designers and Brands
Go to this lesson Giulia Mura
Leçon n. 9: Italian Design: New Domestic Design
   Big Masters: Achille and Giacomo Castiglioni

   Big Masters. Bruno Munari

   Italy: New Domestic Landscape

   New Radical Designers
Go to this lesson Giulia Mura
Leçon n. 10: Italian Design: from 80's

   Complexity and Global Market

   New Designers
Go to this lesson Giulia Mura