Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria dell'Innovazione Tecnologica (Academic Year 2022/2023) - Advanced Manufacturing

Machine Learning

Matériel supplémentaire

Filtrer par année académique
Leçon n.1: Introduction to machine learning

Leçon n.2: Fundamentals of machine learning - Part one

Leçon n.3: Fundamentals of machine learning - Part two

Leçon n.4: Fundamentals of machine learning - Part three

Leçon n.5: Deep learning. Part one

Leçon n.6: Deep learning. Part two

Leçon n.7: Bias-variance, and Errors and metrics

Leçon n.8: Support vector machines. Part one

Leçon n.9: Support vector machines. Part two

Leçon n.10: Support vector machines. Part three

Leçon n.11: Unsupervised learning

Leçon n.12: Principal component analysis and factor analysis

Leçon n.13: Reinforcement Learning and Control

Leçon n.14: Learning theory

Leçon n.15: Regularization and model selection

Leçon n.16: Biomedical Analytics

Libri e Articoli riguardo la Biomedical Analytics  (A.Y. 2016/2017)
Big Data Biomedical Analytics