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UNINETTUNO Erasmus Week, 2018 Edition


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UNINETTUNO’s Erasmus Week is back again: after the wonderful and useful experience of last year, from the 9th to 13th April here is again the international week for the training of the academic and administrative staff of the Erasmus partners of UNINETTUNO. Greece, Poland, Portugal and Turkey are only some of the Countries participating in the initiative with the presence of lecturers and personnel of the universities of origin. 

Also this year the aim of the Erasmus Week is that of enhancing the partnership between UNINETTUNO and the universities concerned and to illustrate new opportunities for cooperation: during the five days of the event ideas, educational models, research and mobility project, opportunities for new partnerships etc. will be compared.

UNINETTUNO teachers will present its Faculties’ updated educational offer, whereas a whole day will be devoted to European projects, structured in three macro-areas: 

  • E-learning and humanities related projects: Q4Adhd, Creative Internprize, Re- Future, FIEST, E-SLP
  • Capacity building strand: LMPI, LMPT, LPEB, Togive, ACAI-LA,
  • Technology related projects:Io4SMES, IoE, MEMEVET, Innoresolve


In the latest years the number of teachers who decided to visit UNINETTUNO has grown a lot; this is due to the large popularity of the University’s educational model at international level and to the resulting interest of the academic staff to acquire new knowledge on distance learning.

UNINETTUNO has always being pointing on the international mobility of teachers and students since it deems it a qualifying component for them both as well as an essential tool for developing the University’s internationalization strategies.