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Italy-Egypt Cooperation aimed at Human Resources Training and Professionalisation


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Rome the 13th September 2010. The first Arab students, who for the first time will get a degree recognised in Europe and in Egypt, are arriving in Italy. Thanks to the cooperation agreements between the Italian and the Egyptian Governments and between the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and the Helwan University in Cairo. The first 15 students of the Arab World enrolled in the degree course in Information and Communication Technologies Engineering of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO will then obtain a double study title that will enable them to work in Egypt, in Italy and in Europe.

The degree course in Information and Communication Technologies Engineering, delivered by the distance teaching mode, counts over 120 students coming from the whole Egypt and from the Arab World. The first ones that will graduate will be 15 Egyptian students who, before discussing their final thesis, will spend a training period in some Italian companies working in the Information Technology field.

Cooperation relations between Italy and Egypt in the field of human resources education and training is getting stronger also with a view to support migration policies between the two countries. The Egyptian and Arab students of the Information and Communication Technologies Engineering course, that is delivered by the distance teaching modes of the UTIU, will have the opportunity of studying by watching the videolessons of prestigious Arab and European lecturers, of being supported along their study path by Italian and Arabic lecturers speaking Arabic and English, and after their study cycle, to spend a training period in Italian companies; so doing, they will lead an open and multicultural study path which transforms differences into resources and that aims at integration by educating and professionalising human capital.

The UTIU, the first Italian distance teaching university, confirms again its international perspective by having students who come from 40 different countries of the world, distance teaching degree courses in 4 languages (English, French, Italian and Arabic), a technological network of the people of 11 Production Centres and 31 Technological Poles that is deeply rooted above all in the countries of the Mediterranean Region, RAI NETTUNO SAT 1 digital satellite channel, free to air in Europe and in Africa, after having established important agreements with the Governments and the public and private universities of the Mediterranean countries.