Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master in Strategic Marketing (Anno Accademico 2019/2020)

Strategic Marketing Management

CFU: 10
Lingua contenuti:Inglese
Descrizione dell'insegnamento

This module is primarily about creating and sustaining superior performance in the marketplace. It focuses on the two central issues in marketing strategy formulation – the identification of target markets and the creation of a differential advantage. In doing that, it recognises the emergence of new potential target markets born of the recession, increased concern for climate change, and disruption from on-going technological advances. It examines ways in which firms can differentiate their offerings through the recognition of environmental and social concerns and innovation. Topics examined include service quality and relationship marketing, networks and alliances, innovation, internal communication and corporate social responsibility. Emphasis is placed on the development of dynamic marketing capabilities, together with the need to reassess the role of marketing in the organisation as a critical process and not simply as a conventional functional specialisation.

In the first unit we are going to discuss the role of marketing in strategy development and lay the groundwork for analysing the two central issues of competitive positioning and market choices. The second unit deals with the competitive environment in which the company operates and draws specifically on recent changes brought about by recession and concerns for sustainability. Unit 3 deals with the issues and principles behind segmentation and positioning research. In increasingly fragmented markets, marketers in both consumer and business markets are turning more and more to segmentation methods to identify prime market targets. Unit 4 discusses ways in which firms strive to create a sustainable competitive position in the market place via strategy formulation and execution, including competing through the marketing mix and the increasing use of new media to promote, distribute and create market offerings. Unit 5 examines implementation issues, strategic customer management and corporate social responsibility as well as strategic alliances and networks and internal communication.


In this module, we will explore the following learning outcomes:


Learning Outcome 1: Explain the importance of the separate marketing functions, the management of these functions, and how each function impacts on others internally and externally.

Learning Outcome 2: Assess the factors impacting on the application and adaptation of marketing principles across a wide range of markets.

Learning Outcome 3: Critically assess the role of marketing from a general management perspective.

Learning Outcome 4: Evaluate the necessity for the creation of marketing key performance indicators.

Learning Outcome 5: Develop a marketing strategy that is holistic in nature and internally congruent in terms of both conceptual and operational requirements of strategic marketing management in context.

We recommend that you consult the following textbook as you are working through the module materials, when you are responding to workshop tasks, and when you are doing research on your final assignments.

  • Hooley, G., Piercy, N., Nicoulaud, B. and Rudd, J. (2017) Marketing strategy and competitive positioning. 6th edition. Pearson Education Limited.
Docente/Tutor Responsabile insegnamento
Masha Chelova
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