Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Economia e gestione delle imprese (Anno Accademico 2019/2020) - Business management (with the Berlin School of Business & Innovation)

Introduction to Law

CFU: 9
Lingua contenuti:Inglese
Descrizione dell'insegnamento

The course aims to increase the theoretical and practical knowledge of european and international private law through the analysis of areas where the EU legislation has affected relations between private parties, particularly with regard to the contract and civil liability.

The aim of the course is to introduce you to the study of the introduction to the law, particularly with regard to the contract and the responsibility.

It will be necessary to acquire an accurate knowledge of the following exam topics, the contents of which are dealt with both in the videolessons and in the exam texts:

Lesson n. 1: Law: an introduction Lesson n. 2: Legal systems Lesson n. 3: Oracles of law Lesson n. 4: Interpretation Lesson n. 5: Values: dignity Lesson n. 6: Privacy Lesson n. 7: Property - Part one Lesson n. 8: Property - Part two Lesson n. 9: Contracts Lesson n. 10: Torts - Part one Lesson n. 11: Torts - Part two Lesson n. 12: Law & new technologies Lesson n. 13: Justice and the media Lesson n. 14: International Law Lesson n. 15: International Persons Lesson n. 16: Legal systems Lesson n. 17: State Responsibility - Part one Lesson n. 18: State Responsibility - Part two Lesson n. 19: State Responsibility - Part three Lesson n. 20: Dispute Settlement - Part one Lesson n. 21: Dispute Settlement - Part two Lesson n. 22: Business and Organization of Multinational Enterprises Lesson n. 23: Regulation of Multinational Enterprises

Introduction to Law– Last edition - di Jaap Hage (a cura di), Antonia Waltermann (a cura di), Bram Akkermans (a cura di)

In each video lesson thgere is an exercise; each student must complete at least two exercises as a requirements for admission to the exam.
All exercise can be carried out as practice for the exam.
Docente/Tutor Responsabile insegnamento
Francesca Maschio
Elenco delle lezioni
Giorgio Resta
    •  Lezione n. 2: Legal systems  Vai alla lezione
Giorgio Resta
Giorgio Resta
Giorgio Resta
Giorgio Resta
    •  Lezione n. 6: Privacy  Vai alla lezione
Giorgio Resta
Giorgio Resta
Giorgio Resta
    •  Lezione n. 9: Contracts  Vai alla lezione
Giorgio Resta
Giorgio Resta
Giorgio Resta
Giorgio Resta
Giorgio Resta
Luca Francesia
Luca Francesia
Luca Francesia
Luca Francesia
Luca Francesia
Luca Francesia
Luca Francesia
Luca Francesia
Luca Francesia
Luca Francesia