Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Processi Cognitivi e Tecnologie (Anno Accademico 2022/2023) - Neurosciences (in partnership con la Berlin School of Business and Innovation - BSBI)

Psychotecnologies and Technopsychologies processes 2

CFU: 8
Lingua contenuti:Inglese
Descrizione dell'insegnamento
The course aims to analyze the evolution of new technologies in relation to teaching and learning processes, and to provide students with tools and skills for analysis, understanding and planning of teaching initiatives that make the best use of technologies, pedagogical models, evaluation tools present and future, capable of responding to the new training needs dictated by:
   - from a constantly evolving and internationalizing labor and knowledge market;
   - from the development of new languages ​​linked to new communication technologies
   - from the use of Artificial Intelligence tools such as chatGPT which revolutionize the ways of acquiring knowledge

The course will address the evolution of the relationship between man and technology and the impact of technologies on cognitive processes and in particular on learning. Attention will therefore focus on online learning environments and how the different learning modes (symbolic-reconstructive, hypertextual, perceptual-motor, collaborative) can be triggered by learning environments structured according to appropriate technologies and pedagogical models. The course will therefore address the topic of the evolution of learning models including those relating to virtual reality and augmented reality. Particular attention will be paid to collaborative learning development models in immersive three-dimensional environments. The course will conclude by addressing the issues of artificial intelligence and augmented reality which will also have an impact on training processes.
The course deals with continually evolving topics and will be integrated with thematic lessons in the Virtual Classroom on the UNINETTUNO Island of Knowledge on Second Life. The topics of the course will be developed in the Virtual Classroom sessions on Second Life:
· teaching and learning models and new technologies,
· designing online learning environments,
· innovation in organizational and teaching models,
· artificial intelligence, immersive technologies and augmented reality applied to training processes.
The Virtual Classroom calendar for each delivery is available in the Teaching Planner and in the student's Agenda.
To complete the course program, ebooks and essays are offered in electronic format referring to the topics covered in the video lessons and virtual classroom meetings with international teachers and experts. The program will vary with each delivery depending on the topics covered. The following texts complete the course program:
Maria Amata Garito, "The university in the 21st century between tradition and innovation", McGraw-Hill, 2015
Édouard Kleinpeter L'homme face à ses technologies : augmentation, hybridation, (trans)humanisme, from Édouard Kleinpeter (ed.), "L'humain augmenté", Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2013, (pp. 11-30); Italian translation “Man faced with his technologies: increase, hybridization, (trans)humanism”, available for download in the Books and Articles section
BUT. Garito, Teaching and Learning Through Videolessons: Theories and Methods EDULEARN 2019, Proceedings, 11th Annual International Conference On Education And New Learning Technologies, Isbn: 978-84-09-12031-4; Issn:2340-1117, Palma De Mallorca, July 2019.
BUT. Garito, Pedagogical Models for Video Communication in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): A Success Story, in “Global e-Learning, 2nd Edition”, study directed by UDIMA, Universidad a Distancia de Madrid and published by the Centro de Estudios Financieros (CEF), pp. 121-134, I.S.B.N. 978-84-454-2946-3; Italian translation: "Pedagogical models for video communication in MOOCs: a successful example", 2014
BUT. Garito, Artificial intelligence in education: evolution of the teaching-learning relationship, British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 22 No. 1, 1991
BUT. Garito et al., Notes on Ethics, Diversity and Inclusion in the Design of Artificial Intelligence Solutions, 2021 (forthcoming)
During the course essays will be provided on:
- immersive technologies (virtual reality, augmented reality, extended reality) and teaching and learning processes;
- cognition, emotion and teaching and learning processes;
- Artificial Intelligence and teaching and learning processes.
The essays are available for download in the Books and Articles section.
Docente/Tutor Responsabile insegnamento
Maria Amata Garito
Elenco delle lezioni
Maria Amata Garito
Derrick De Kerckhove
    •  Lezione n. 3: Screenology  Vai alla lezione
Derrick De Kerckhove
Derrick De Kerckhove
Eusebio Scornavacca
Eusebio Scornavacca
Eusebio Scornavacca
Eusebio Scornavacca
Eusebio Scornavacca
Eusebio Scornavacca
Edouard Kleinpeter
Edouard Kleinpeter
Edouard Kleinpeter