Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master in Health Management (Anno Accademico 2023/2024) - Public Health Management

Ethical, Cultural and Behavioural Aspects of Health

Tutor: Konstantinos Skamagkas
Qualifica e Settore Scientifico-Disciplinare:
Didattica - elenco insegnamenti:
Advanced web technologies (el)
Anthropology and sociology of Health and Medical Care (en)
Cross Cultural Management (en)
Decision Making, Planning and Leadership (en)
Ethical, Cultural and Behavioural Aspects of Health (en)
Financial and Economic Management of Health Organisations (en)
Globalization and Public Health Challenges (en)
Human Resources Management and Health Organisations (en)
Information Technology in Health Systems (en)
Introduction to business administration (en)
Introduction to Law (en)
Management of Health Organisations (en)
Marketing (en)
National Health Systems and Health Policy (en)
Principles of Health Management (en)
Principles of Public Health (en)
Public Health Systems and Public Health Policy (en)
Research Methods (en)
Research Methods (el)
Socioeconomic Research in Health Services (en)
Curriculum Vitae