Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Economia e gestione delle imprese (Anno Accademico 2024/2025) - Business management

Financial accounting


Lezione n. 1: Introduction to accounting
   Explain the role and nature of accounting

   Identify the main users of financial information

   Distinguish between financial and management accounting

   Explaining why an understanding of accounting and financa is relavant
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Lezione n. 2: Accounting and reporting on a cash flow basis
   Explain why cash flow accountinf satisfies shareholders and managers

   Explain what makes cash flow data a reliable and fair representation

   Prepare a cash budget and statement of operating cash flows
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Lezione n. 3: Accounting and reporting on an accrual accounting basis
   Explain the historical cost convention and accrual concept

   Adjust cash receipts and payments in accordance with IAS 18 revenue

   Account for the amount of non current assets in the accounting period

   Reconcile cash flow and accrual accounting data
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Lezione n. 4: Income and asset value – an economist approach
   Explain the need for income measurement

   Compare the measurement methods adopted by accpuntants with those adopted by economists

   Comment on both approaches in international financial reporting framework
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Lezione n. 5: Measuring and reporting financial position
   Explain the nature and purpose of the three major financial statements

   Prepare and interpret a statement of financial position SFP

   Discuss the accounting conventions underspinning the assets

   Discuss the accounting conventions underspinning the claims
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Lezione n. 6: Measuring and reporting financial performance
   Discuss the nature and purpose of Incomene statement IS

   Prepare and interpret an IS

   Discuss the main the main recongnition and measurement issues

   Explain the main accounting conventions underpinnin the income statement
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Lezione n. 7: Accounting for limited companies - first part
   Discuss the nature and financing of limited company

   Describe the main features of equity in a limited company

   Discuss the framework of rules design to saveguard the interest of shareholders
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Lezione n. 8: Accounting for limited companies - second part
   Describe the responsabilities of directors and auditors concerning the annual financial statements

   Discuss both the regulation and the conceptual frameworks to shape the annual financial statements

   Discuss the arguments for and against the use of accounting rules

   Discuss the threat posed by creative accounting
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Lezione n. 9: Measuring and reporting cash flows
   Discuss the crucial importance of cash to a business

   Explain the nature of the statement of the cash flows and the problems

   Prepare a statement of cash flows
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Lezione n. 10: Contingent assets and liabilities and intangible assets
   Discuss the main recognition criteria

   Explain the recognition criteria and the reporting requiriment
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Lezione n. 11: Leasing and borrowing costs
   Distinguish between finance and operating lease

   Explain the circumstances under which borrowing costs may be capitalised

   Measuring the future value and the present value of an investment
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Lezione n. 12: Financial ratios 1 - Profitability and efficiency and liquidity
   How ratios can be used to access the position, performance and cash flows of a business

   Identify and calculate key ratios for acceccing

   Explain the operating cash cycle
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Lezione n. 13: Financial ratios 2 - Financial gearing and investment
   Explain key ratios for assessing the gearing of a business

   Identify and explain key ratios for assessing the investment in a business
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Lezione n. 14: Use and limits at financial ratios
   Prepare and interpret common size financial statement

   Evaluate the use of ratios in helping to predict financial failure

   Discuss the limitations of ratios
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Lezione n. 15: Group of companies financial results
   Discuss the nature of groups and explain why they exist and they are formed

   Prepare a group statement

   Explain the nature of an associate company status
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Lezione n. 16: Increased scope of financial reporting
   Explain the purpose of segmental reports

   Discuss the role of interim financial statements and IAS 34

   Explain the purpose of value added statement

   Describe the impact of inflation
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Lezione n. 17: Corporate governance and audit
   Discuss the need of corporate governance, role and composition of board of directors

   Describe the role of the audit comitee

   Discuss the importance of shareholder involvement
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Lezione n. 18: Remuneration and shareholders return
   Explain the main issues associated with remuneration of directors

   Discuss the importance of shareholders return
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Lezione n. 19: Financial reporting standards
   How financial accounting theory has evolved

   Accountign principles set out in the IASC and IASB frameworks

   Rule-based and principle based approaches
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Lezione n. 20: Evolution of global reporting standards
   Arguments for and against standards

   Describe the standard setting and enforcement in UK, EU and USA
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Lezione n. 21: Accounting and ethical behaviour
   Explain the relationship between ethics, standard setting and IFAC code of ethics

   Implications of ethical values

   Explain unethical behaviour
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