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“5G. The New Frontiers of Communication”At the center of the debate with the newUNINETTUNO’s Digital Talk


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If the spreading of 5G, (the fifth-generation mobile connectivity), is bound to change the world affecting all fields of life, communication, work, production, which will be the benefits and which will be the risks connected to it? In order to analyze and understand the meaning of this big change, identified by all stakeholders as a true revolution, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO launches its new Digital Talk whose title is ”5G: The New Frontiers of Communication”, taking place on Wednesday, the 19th June, at 5 pm, at the University’s Multimedia Hall, (Piazza Grazioli, 17- Rome). Just a few days before the the official launch in the national territory of the latest 5G technology, new communication horizons open to meet the requirements of new use cases, such as the Internet of Things (devices connected to the Internet), broadcasting services and communication lines of vital importance as well as streaming services, especially the video ones. 5G will represent the age of the devices that are (really) always connected, that have no longer to continuously shift from Wi-Fi to mobile networks, as digital TV. UNINETTUNO gets in the game to meet this technological revolution and invites experts in communications and academicians to launch a debate on this issue. The speakers include: Maria Amata Garito, rector of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO; Gianpiero Gamaleri, full professor of “Sociology of cultural and communication processes”- UNINETTUNO; Alessia Gizzi, journalist and TV presenter of the program of RaiTre, “Pixel”; Duilio Giammaria, journalist and TV presenter of the program of RaiUno “Petrolio”; Alberto Maria Gambino, President of the Italian Academy of the Internet Code_ IAIC; Rodolfo De Laurentiis, former president of the Confindustria Radio-Television Association and professor of “Law of the New Media” – UNINETTUNO; Alessio Zagaglia, Secretary General of the Ericsson Foundation; Duccio Forzano, TV director and Gino Alberico, Centro Ricerche, Innovazione Tecnologica e Sperimentazione (CRITS) of RAI.
According to estimates, the new generation of mobile connection will be 100 times faster than that being used by our smartphones and, while the worldwide supremacy of the 5G monopoly is being discussed between Pekin’s Government and the Silicon Valley, in Italy the latest telecommunications technologies have started to be utilized starting from 2018. The main national operators of the mobile sector have started the deployment of thousands of cell towers in order to spread the new signal all over the Country. In the occasion of the Mobile World Congress, held in Barcelona, the Zte Chinese big company, Italy was selected as the country in which to test the great potentials offered by 5G that are mainly focused on the Tuscan-Abruzzo axis. It is not by chance that a university such as UNINETTUNO, always attentive to the changes that the Digital Innovation is bringing about in our society and that has always been relying on the new technologies to develop a high quality distance teaching and learning model, conceived the format of the Digital Talks. The aim is that of making people reflect on issues of great topicality that, today, represent also global challenges. Thanks to an idea of the Rector Prof. Maria Amata Garito, the Digital Talks, coordinated by Prof. Gianpiero Gamaleri, are innovative cyclical events, not only because of the contents they propose, but also because of the way they can be followed: the audience, actually, always plays an active role and interacts with the speakers both on a face-to-face mode and on the Web.
The “5G. The New Frontiers of Communication” event will be streamed live on UNINETTUNO’s page on Facebook ( and on the University’s website ( The concerned people may send their questions and comments on Facebook or on Twitter using the hashtag #5G. 
The Digital Talks organized by UNINETTUNO are available on an especially devoted page on: .