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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671


UNINETTUNO: A WHOLLY-ITALIAN INTERNATIONAL SUCCESSFUL MODEL. THE VALUES AT THE HEART OF THE UNIVERSITY’S SUCCESS: PASSION, RESEARCH, INNOVATION, INTERNATIONALIZATION, INCLUSION.UNINETTUNO selected by the BBC with 30 universities across the world, to realize a short film entitled “Aiming Higher – Education without Borders” telling about these values


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The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO ends 2019 with significant figures confirming the excellence-level of its distance teaching and learning model, acknowledged by the international scientific community. A university reckoning 26 thousand enrolled students of 167 nationalities, with 30% growth of the number of students enrolled in its degree courses in a year. 
Figures that are increasing thanks to the 300 agreements signed with the universities of several countries across the world, European and extra-European ones. Some examples: Argentina, Azerbaijan, China, Colombia, Ghana, Japan, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Norway, Russia, Senegal, Somalia, Singapore, Greece, United States of America, Vietnam, besides the most important countries of the Arab World (Jordan, Lebanon, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and others).
Every day, over 700 lecturers and researchers post constantly-updated educational contents on UNINETTUNO’s Internet-based multilingual learning environments in order to develop new knowledge, new professional competences and skills meeting the needs of the labor markets. Ten million of educational documents, produced in many languages and accessible in the University’s virtual library, 50 thousand hours of video lessons and multimedia contents available to the students in the Didactic Cyberspace of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO. 31 degree courses, 26 master’s courses, 6 faculties, 100 international research projects.
Since ever, UNINETTUNO has been engaged in promoting cooperation among the Universities of different countries, bringing its teaching model all over the world. Passion, Research, Innovation, Internationalization, Inclusion, these are the values on which its constantly growing technological network of interconnected people and minds who, every day, work together to produce knowledge and learning, is based.
Today, the story of UNINETTUNO becomes also a short film, entitled “Aiming Higher_Education Without Borders”, realized by the BBC, which selected 30 universities of the world to realize films that highlight the commitment demonstrated by these universities to achieve, at global level, the 2030 UN SDGs goals of sustainable development. And UNINETTUNO is the only Italian university that actually achieved these goals and, more specifically, Goal Nr. 4 “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and learning opportunities for all” and Goal Nr. 10 “Reduce Inequality within and among Countries”. 
“The strength of UNINETTUNO has always been that of joining different worlds, different languages and different cultures, united by the same love for knowledge and by the awareness that technology, if well used, can interconnect people and minds that make of difference a richness and that always work together to build a better world”. (The Rector, Prof. Maria Amata Garito)