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UNINETTUNO presents the Digital Talk: "The Magic Memory of Federico Fellini 1920-2020"


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Rome, the 18th June 2020 – Today, from 5 to 6 pm, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO presents, in live streaming and on its  website and on the FB page of the University, the Digital Talk: "The Magic Memory of Federico Fellini 1920-2020".

The University wishes to celebrate the 100th anniversary since Fellini’s birth, a so multi-awarded as well as much discussed and outrageous director, by recalling his unmistakable imagination and his very rich network of professional relations with some of the most extraordinary protagonists of the cultural life and history of the Italian cinema of the Twentieth Century.

Additionally, the aim of this initiative is to tell about the project of the “Federico Fellini International Museum”, wholly devoted to the director and strongly wished by the Municipality of Rimini, that is working in preparing these areas – the Castello Malatestiano, the Fulgor Cinema, and other urban junctions – and by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities. A complex project, that has been involving a varied group of professionals and that has been an occasion for a complete and deep rereading of the Fellini’s cinema.

The debate will be introduced and moderated by Dario Edoardo Viganò, Professor at UNINETTUNO Communication Sciences Faculty. 

“Recalling the anniversary of Fellini’s birth is like a journey into the memory of the changes of our Italy and of society in general”, Prof. Viganò stated. “Form the end of the Hapsburg Empire and of the aristocracy with “E la nave va”, up to the change of habits of “La dolce vita”. Weaving the threads of memory that was so important for the diviner of the shifting of the heart and of the dreams of the soul. Let’s think to “I vitelloni” and to “Amarcord”. And, then the extraordinary lesson of the movie “La strada”, so loved by Pope Francis. Zampanò, hard and rude, at the end, hearing the music of Gelsomina learns again to cry, not as a childish indulging, but as re-emergence of childhood, of the heart that has come back again to perceive the people around him. And Gelsomina does not know it, but – as the Pope says – she has sowed something”.

Some of the main protagonists of Rimini’s museum project will attend the event: Prof. Anna Villari,  professor at UNINETTUNO, museologist and among the managers of the permanent project of the “Federico Fellini International Museum”, Prof. Marco Bertozzi, professor at IUAV, documentarist, historian of cinema, among the managers of the Museum and author of a volume on Fellini to be published soon; Prof. Leonardo Sangiorgi, among the founders of Studio Azzurro and designer of the multimedia installation and of the narrative dimension characterizing the Museum; the people in charge of the project on behalf of the Municipality of Rimini and of the Fellini Archive, Dr. Marco Leonetti and Dr. Nicola Bassano.

“The design phase of Rimini’s Museum, which is still underway, has been partly an opportunity to reread Fellini’s cinema and explore his deep relationships with the history of our Country and, on the other hand, to reflect on the very rich cultural legacy that his work left us”, Prof. Anna Villari stated. “And the Museum will be the space where comparisons, questions, discoveries will take life thanks to the multimedia narration and to the material memories – documents, drawings, costumes, props, posters, journals – that will tell about the creative stories of the Maestro, his imagination, his way of doing cinema, the precious professionalisms with which he cooperated”.