Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671


Italy and Greece to provide the necessary knowledge and expertise in "Health Management" and "Science in Sport Management, Sport Rehabilitation and Sport Organization for the Disabled".


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On the 27th April 2009 the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO signed an agreement with the Atheneum - Liberal Studies of Athens envisaging the joint delivery of the "Master of Science in Health Management". The agreement was signed by the President of the Atheneum – Liberal Studies, Dr. Kyriakos Kouveliotis and by the Rector of the UTIU, Prof. Maria Amata Garito.

In addition, and also in the framework of this cooperation relation with Atheneum – Liberal Studies, starting from the academic year 2010-2011, it will implement the "Master of Science in Sport Management, Sport Rehabilitation and Sport Organization for the Disabled".

For further informations about "Master of Science in Health Management" select the following link:
Master of Science in Health Management

For further informations about "Master of Science in Sport Management, Sport Rehabilitation and Sport Organization for the Disabled" select the following link:
Master of Science in Sport Management, Sport Rehabilitation and Sport Organization for the Disabled