Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

خبير قانوني في تنمية المؤسسات وعولمتها

Specific objectives of the course and training description:
The Bachelor of science in legal expert in development and internationalization of companies aims to make achieving students with adequate knowledge of knowledge of the legal area, making the students able to apply existing legislation in relation to the operation of enterprises abroad.
The course takes as a point of reference not only professionals such as specialists in public management and control of the public administration who must confront transnational realities (e.g. European and international procurement, development cooperation, discounts to businesses that you internationalize) but also private figures, such as assistants to lawyers and notaries, service providers and enterprises. The course is aimed at the training of civil servants, able to occupy positions of responsibility in bureaucratic organizations, as well as the training of legal advisers in the organisational area.
The degree course in science of legal services is aimed at training professionals capable of operating safely in the economic and financial field, characterized by a complex legislation and subject to constant changes, even to the influences of the international economic system. Graduates will be able to operate not only as freelancers, but also at private companies, public institutions and professional firms. To carry out these activities is essential a precise knowledge of legal concepts and possession of adequate notions of economic and sociological nature. We expect that the graduate upon completion of studies, knows, with autonomy of judgment and communication skills, apply the acquired knowledge to the solution of problems relating to the many employment opportunities.
The training involves teaching constitutional law, institutional/public, basic lessons aimed at providing the necessary comparative-historical references, basic teachings of professional materials (commercial law, labour, administrative, criminal) given with specific reference to the internationalization of enterprises, basic teachings of civil procedural law, international law and the European Union, and a range of courses that provide insights in the perspective of internationalization of Enterprise.
In relation to the characteristics of the training offer by the telematic University, the teaching will focus on a half-yearly basis and each course will be delivered three times in a year. During these "grants" the student can avail of online tutoring support and, with the inclusion in virtual classrooms, the  continuous study activity will be drawn. The student will be able to take advantage of video lessons, all materials provided in educational and related network, and will be able to interact and communicate with the learning community at any time.

Expected learning outcomes, expressed through European descriptors of qualification (DM 16/03/2007, art. 3, para. 7)

knowledge and understanding
Graduates, based on a careful institutional and professional preparation, will be able to assess the significance of norms and of the orientations to apply the living law in relations between enterprises, public institutions and the workplace. Through the examination of real cases, the graduate will possess the ability to operate or make businesses operate in compliance with the law in a changing and diverse economic realities, as consultants for models of organisation and compliance processes in transnational operations.

applying knowledge and understanding
The graduates will possess the essential tools for the education of civil servants, legal consultants in the private sector, as well as all the useful skills for the performance of professional activities (for example, law firms and notaries, internationalization services, consulting firms, access to public benefits and  participation in European and international competitions). The graduate has the ability to use the case study, identify with certainty the interests in the transnational area, mediate between such interests and propose solutions.

Programme objectives and training:
This programme aims to develop students’ thorough knowledge of the legal field, enabling them to apply existing legislation in relation to the operations enterprises carry out abroad.

As a result, the programme is not only aimed at public service employees, public administration professionals dealing with international affairs and development, but also at legal persons, such as notaries, legal study assistants, business-to-business providers and so on.

The programme also targets civil servants, given their role in bureaucratic organizations, as well as legal advisors in the public sector. What the legal services degree programme aims at is train professionals to work efficiently in the economic and financial fields, both marked by complex, ever-changing legislation, especially at international level. Graduates will be able to develop a freelance career, as well as work in the private and public sectors. Regardless of the chosen career path, graduates will need to have a firm hold of legal concepts, as well as concepts related to sociology, economics and informatics.

All in all, graduates are expected to have acquired communication and critical thinking abilities and use them in their everyday professional practice, irrespective of their career choice. The educational path thus features courses on:

  • Public/Constitutional Law
  • basic concepts enabling students to undergo comparative historical analyses
  • basic concepts relating to their chosen field (Commercial Law, Labor Law, Administrative Law, Penal Law), all focused on the organizations’ international operations
  • basic concepts of Civil Law
  • International and European Law
  • concepts relating to organizations expanding internationally

Given its distance learning nature, the programme spreads over two semesters, with every course delivered three times a year. Students can benefit from on line tutoring and will take part in virtual classrooms, where their progress is constantly monitored. Students will also access video lessons and all other online and offline didactic material, whilst interacting with peers as part of the learning community.

Expected outcomes resulting from European indicators (DM 16/03/2007, art. 3, par. 7)

Knowledge and understanding
Having acquired a solid institutional and professional training, students will be able to assess the significance of norms and judicial approaches in order to apply the law the in relations among enterprises, public institutions and the workplace. By examination of real cases, graduates will possess the ability to operate or make businesses operate in accordance with the law and taking into account the changing and diverse economic realities. They will be able to work as consultants for organizational models and  for compliance processes in transnational operations.

Applying knowledge and understanding
Graduates will possess the essential tools needed to perform their role either as civil servants or legal consultants in the private sector. Moreover, they will have acquired the proper skills to take on professional careers (law firms and notaries, internationalization services, consultancies, access to public benefits and participation in European and international competitions). Graduates will also prove skilful at using previous case law and case records, determining issues at stake in international contexts international contexts, at the same time mediating such issues and providing solutions.
Critical thinking
Graduates will be able to use their own critical thinking and acquired skills in order to analyze transnational judicial systems, to understand and interpret sources of law and jurisprudence they are to work with throughout their professional development. They will need to be able to evaluate outcomes of intended or concluded proceedings, also mentioning their technical, economic and social impact.
Communication skills
Graduates will be able to efficiently communicate judicial issues and provide solutions to companies expanding internationally. They will have acquired a firm grasp of judicial jargon in at least one foreign language -  beside Italian -  and will have mastered the concepts enabling interaction with experts from other disciplines (particularly Business studies and Economics), in order to foster a company’s international operations.
Learning skills
Graduates will have also acquired abilities leading to further skills development: literature search, normative material search, database search, fact-finding tool management continuous learning. The international legal field requires all professionals to constantly make use of such skills. Moreover, graduates will pride on a high level of general knowledge necessary for further graduate programmes or additional technical skills, given that company law is of such changeable nature.

Admission prerequisites (DM 270/04, art 6, comma 1 e 2)
Prospective students must hold an internationally acknowledged high school or secondary school degree. Irrespective of the degree provided, students will be evaluated according to the University Regulations in terms of their writing and comprehension skills, law and international contractual agreement comprehension skills, knowledge of the main national and international social phenomena, European and international institutions. Should students not fulfil all the above-mentioned criteria, University Regulations will provide them with appropriate tools required to achieve such skills.

Final examination (DM 270/04, art 11, comma 3-d)
Students are allowed to sit the final examination upon having acquired 174 credits. The written examination is worth 6 credits, consisting of a thesis on a topic included in the course curriculum. This way, the student will prove to have acquired critical thinking and reporting abilities, as well as professional skills in relation to the chosen topic. Students will choose their thesis subject under the guidance of their supervising professor. Theses can take the form of a literature study on a single subject, a research note, a critical account of practical and internship-related activities, a research project or an investigation carried out in the chosen field.
Career perspectives
This degree enables graduates to pursue the following career paths: legal and investment advising, banking, administration, consultancy. Graduates will be qualified for the following jobs: assistants, archivists, general affairs managers, financial managers, banking specialists, insurance agents, risk assessors, liquidators, public relation managers etc. Beside the ISTAT classification, other possible profiles include consultants, managers and employees covering the legal aspects of public or private bodies that enable such organizations’ international development.

Academic Year selection

  1. (Academic Year: 2010/2011)
  2. (Academic Year: 2011/2012)
  3. (Academic Year: 2012/2013)