Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

الهندسة المعلوماتية/هندسة تكنولوجيات المعلومات والاتصالات (مع جامعة حلوان) (السنة الدراسية 2007-2008)

الأنظمة الإلكترونيّة و الإلكترونيّات الرقمية

CFU: 5
لغة المحتوى:إنجليزي
وصف المادة
Electronic Systems and Digital Electronics is a typical course of the ICT area curricula. The course illustrates the basic elements of the devices and semiconductor technology, the major applications for analog electronic circuits (amplifiers) and digital A/D and D/A and chips.
المتطلبات المُسبقة
Basic circuit theory.
أهداف المادة
The aim of the module is to provide a general framework for the electronic systems starting from a functional description of the main system blocks. After some basics in digital electronics, the design of digital systems using microprocessors, micro controllers and DSP is discussed; some basics are provided on the integrated implementation of a digital design starting from a high-level description.
  • Introduction to electronic systems, digital and analog functional blocks and signals.
  • Logical families, electronic implementation of digital functions.
  • Basic logical blocks (static and sequential).
  • Electronic interconnections and interfaces, communication protocols, signal integrity
  • Microprocessors, micro controllers and DSP
  • Integrated systems
  • Digital ASIC design cycle
S. M. Sze, “VLSI Technology”, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1983, ISBN 0-07-062686-3; 2nd ed., 1988, ISBN 0-07-062735-5.
مشرف / أستاذ المسؤول عن المادة
Luciano De Menna
أساتذة الفيديو