Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

إدارة الأعمال والتقنيات الرقمية (السنة الدراسية 2023/2024) - Green economy e gestione sostenibile

Marketing, e-business, e-commerce


درس رقم 1: The digital Revolution
   The e-commerce revolution is just beginning

   E-commerce enabling technologies

   A brief history of e-commerce
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Eusebio Scornavacca
درس رقم 2: E-commerce business models and concepts (part one)
   E-commerce Business Models

   Major Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Business Models
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Eusebio Scornavacca
درس رقم 3: E-commerce business models and concepts (part two)
   Major Business-to-Business (B2B) Business Models

   How e-commerce changes business: Strategy, Sctructure, and Process
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Eusebio Scornavacca
درس رقم 4: E-commerce infrastructure (part one)
   The Internet: Technology Background

   The Internet Today
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درس رقم 5: E-commerce infrastructure (part two)
   The Future Internet Infrastructure

   The Web
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درس رقم 6: Building an e-commerce presence (part one)
   Visualizing Your E-commerce Presence

   Building an E-commerce Presence: A Systematic Approach
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Eusebio Scornavacca
درس رقم 7: Building an e-commerce presence (part two)
   Choosing Software and Hardware

   Other E-commerce Site Tools and Mobile Applications
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Eusebio Scornavacca
درس رقم 8: E-commerce security and payment systems
   The E-commerce Security Environment

   E-commerce Payment Systems
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درس رقم 9: Marketing and advertising concepts (part one)
   Consumers On-line: The Internet Audience and Consumer Behavior

   Digital Commerce Marketing and Advertising Strategies and Tools
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Eusebio Scornavacca
درس رقم 10: Marketing and advertising concepts (part two)
   Key Strategic Issues in Online Marketing

   Internet Marketing Technologies

   Understanding the Costs and Benefits of Online Marketing Communications
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Eusebio Scornavacca
درس رقم 11: Social, mobile, and local marketing (part one)
   Introduction to Social, Mobile and Local Marketing

   Social Marketing
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درس رقم 12: Social, mobile, and local marketing (part two)
   Mobile Marketing

   Local and Location-based Marketing
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درس رقم 13: Ethical, social, and political issues in e-commerce
   Understanding Ethical, Social, and Political Issues in E-commerce

   Privacy and Information Rights

   Intelectual Property Rights

   Governance, Public Safety and Welfare
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Eusebio Scornavacca
درس رقم 14: Online retail and services (part one)
   The Online Retail Sector

   Analyzing the Viability of Online Firms
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درس رقم 15: Online retail and services (part two)
   The Service Sector

   New Sector: Sharing Economy
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درس رقم 16: Online content and media (part one)
   Trends in Online Content

   Online Content
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درس رقم 17: Online content and media (part two)
   The Online Publishing Industry

   The Online Entertainment Industry
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درس رقم 18: Social networks, auctions, and portals
   Social Networks and Online Communities

   Online Auctions

   E-commerce Portals
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Eusebio Scornavacca
درس رقم 19: B2B e-commerce: supply chain management and collaborative commerce (part one)
   An Overview of B2B E-commerce

   The Procurement Process and Supply Chains
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Eusebio Scornavacca
درس رقم 20: B2B e-commerce: supply chain management and collaborative commerce (part two)
   Trends in Supply Chain Management and Collaborative Commerce

   Net Marketplace & Private Industrial Networks
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Eusebio Scornavacca
درس رقم 21: Common materials