Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master in “Water Awareness, Consciousness, Knowledge and Management” (السنة الدراسية 2021/2022)

Water and the development of civilizations in the Mediterranean Region up to the contemporary world


درس رقم 1: Water and the components of the Cosmos in the Western Culture
   The rediscovery of landscape and water in the ancient art. The Minoan World

   The constitutive elements of life in the Greek World

   The relationship between land and water in Greek religion
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Louis Godart
درس رقم 2: Water and the components of the Cosmos in the Eastern Culture
   The Buddhist World

   The Japanese World

   The Chinese World
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Louis Godart
درس رقم 3: Water and Time
   The concept of the Presocratics

   The gallery of heroes of the French Revolution

   Water and Love

   Water and Dream
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Louis Godart
درس رقم 4: Water, afterlife and the unknown
   Water and Aftermath in the Greek thought

   Water and Aftermath in Bodelaire's works

   Water and Adventures
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Louis Godart
درس رقم 5: Water and Death. The Mesopotamian Flood
   The discovery of cuneiform texts with the Account of Deluge

   The earliest version of the Babylonian Deluge Account

   The Epic of Gilgamesh
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Louis Godart
درس رقم 6: Water and Death. The Biblical Flood
   The Torah

   Water as beginning of the time

   The Deluge Account in the Bible

   Mesopotamiam Deluge and Biblical Deluge
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Louis Godart
درس رقم 7: Water and Death. Atlantis
   Myths, Legends and History

   Plato and Atlantis

   The discovery of Thera/Santorini

   The behaviour of the Gods in the three myths (Mesopotiamoan, Biblical and Greek)
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Louis Godart
درس رقم 8: Water and Life: Greek and Christian thought
   The Greek Thought

   The Christian Baptism
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Louis Godart
درس رقم 9: The birth of the earliest energetic systems
   Irrigation and production

   Egypt and Mesopotamian region

   The watermills: one of the first energy sources
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Louis Godart
درس رقم 10: Water, sea and peace
   The first seamen in the history

   The Aegean Sea and the peace in the Mediterranean area in the II millennium

   The tolerance at Delo
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Louis Godart
درس رقم 11: Rescuing the temples at Abu Simbel and Philae (Egypt)
   The construction of Assuan's dam

   The role of the UNESCO

   The rescue of the monuments
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Louis Godart
درس رقم 12: Water Wars
   The wars of water in the Middle and Near East and in AfricaThe wars of water in the Middle and Near East and in Africa

   The wars of water in the Far East

   The wars of water in the Latin America
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Louis Godart
درس رقم 13: Venice, the city born out of water
   Water and Land in Venice

   The Majesty of Venice

   Death and dream in Venice
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Louis Godart
درس رقم 14: Water and rearing
   The consumption of meat and milk in the world

   The impact of the consumption of meat and milk in the world on the water resources of the world

   Save the Earth, or die
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Louis Godart
درس رقم 15: Water and vegetable oils (biofuels)
   The biofuels

   The five myths on the transition towards the agrofuels

   Respect the communities and save the Earth
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Louis Godart
درس رقم 16: Conclusions
   The importance of the rivers for the develop of civilization

   Wates as peace vehicle and object of controversy. The water's war

   Save the rivers and seas. Save the Planet
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Louis Godart