Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master in “Water Awareness, Consciousness, Knowledge and Management” (السنة الدراسية 2021/2022)

Sustainable and Responsible Development


درس رقم 1: Environmental Discoures up to 1970: from Conservationism to Sustainability
   Environmental Discourses

   Club of Rome 1970
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Alessandro Leto
درس رقم 2: The birth of sustainable development
   Sustainable Development


إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Alessandro Leto
درس رقم 3: From Bruntland Report to Agenda XXI and the Rio Declaration: Toward Environmental Culture and Policies
   The gradual affirmation of the Principles of Sustainable Development

   Agenda XXI: an Historical Challenge

   Environmental Culture and related Policies
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Alessandro Leto
درس رقم 4: The Millenium Developement Goals
   The long journey of the MDGs

   Rooting, Diffusion and Evolution of the MDGs

   Political and Ecnomic Impact of the MDGs
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Alessandro Leto
درس رقم 5: The SDG'S
   The delay in reaching the MDG's

   The SDG'S

   The needed Indicators
Alessandro Leto
درس رقم 6: The birth of sustainable and responsible development
   Sustainable and Responsible Development

   Human Development Index

   Earth Carrying Capacity
Alessandro Leto
درس رقم 7: The importance of water
   The Source of Life

   The Water Poverty Index
Alessandro Leto
درس رقم 8: Water Security and food security
   Water and Agriculture

   Food Security and Water Security Challange

   Water Footprint

   Virtual Water
Alessandro Leto
درس رقم 9: Cooperation for Development and Water Policies Related ISSUE
   Evolution of the Policies of Cooperation for Development/Foregn Aid

   Water as a Key Factor for Development
Alessandro Leto
درس رقم 10: Water and climate change
   Climate change and ecosystem

   Impact of climate change on human activities
Michele Pigliucci