Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

MOOC Massive Open Online Courses (Ακαδημαϊκό έτος 2021/2022)

European Funding and Europlanning


ν. μαθήματος 1: Successful Projects Drafting for the European Union Institutions
   Introduction of the Professor Valmorbida

   Introduction to the module of the master: successful project drafting for the European Union Institutions

   Construction of the course

   Methodology of the course

   Introduction to EU structures&decision making mechanisms
Πηγαίνετε σε αυτή τη διαφάνεια Antonella Valmorbida
ν. μαθήματος 2: Presentation of the Programmes and their Different Modalities
   Presentation of the programmes and their different modalities

   Budget of the EU

   Similarities between the programmes

   Sources of funding

   Type of funds
Πηγαίνετε σε αυτή τη διαφάνεια Antonella Valmorbida
ν. μαθήματος 3: Indirect Programmes
   Introduction to indirect/ structural funds (characteristics and approaches)


   Regional competitiveness and employment

   European Territorial Cooperation

   European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and European Fund for Fisheries

   New instruments for territorial cooperation

Πηγαίνετε σε αυτή τη διαφάνεια Antonella Valmorbida
ν. μαθήματος 4: Description of Direct Programmes (2007-2013)
   Introduction to Direct Community Programmes (2007-2014)

   Introduction to Direct Community Programmes (2007-2014)
Πηγαίνετε σε αυτή τη διαφάνεια Antonella Valmorbida
ν. μαθήματος 5: Tenders
   Introduction to tenders

   Terms of References

   Composition of the offer

   The best offer


   Offer presentation and evaluation procedures
Πηγαίνετε σε αυτή τη διαφάνεια Antonella Valmorbida
ν. μαθήματος 6: Design and Project Cycle Management
   Introduction to project cycle management

   Definition of the objectives

   Actions for identifying the objectives

   Advantages of the elaboration of objectives


   How to deal with partners?
Πηγαίνετε σε αυτή τη διαφάνεια Antonella Valmorbida
ν. μαθήματος 7: Drafting and Implementing
   Definition of the action

   Formal proposal

   Implementation and control

   Monitoring and evaluation
Πηγαίνετε σε αυτή τη διαφάνεια Antonella Valmorbida
ν. μαθήματος 8: Budget
   How to build the budget

   The budget in practice: budget-based project

   The budget in practice: flat rate budget

   Cash flow issues
Πηγαίνετε σε αυτή τη διαφάνεια Antonella Valmorbida
ν. μαθήματος 9: Reporting
   Reporting actions

   Reporting budgets

   Sustainable actions
Πηγαίνετε σε αυτή τη διαφάνεια Antonella Valmorbida
ν. μαθήματος 10: How to Win a Project?
   A good project, how?

   A good partnership, how?
Πηγαίνετε σε αυτή τη διαφάνεια Antonella Valmorbida
ν. μαθήματος 11: Lobbying
   Introduction to lobbying



   Means of lobbying: practical hints
Πηγαίνετε σε αυτή τη διαφάνεια Antonella Valmorbida
ν. μαθήματος 12: Developments for the Future
   A revision of the treaties?

   EU 2020

   Some hints on direct funds

   Some hints on structural/indirect funds
Πηγαίνετε σε αυτή τη διαφάνεια Antonella Valmorbida
ν. μαθήματος 13: HORIZON The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. Role of ICT
   Introduction of Luis Rodriquez Rosello (Head of Unit 'Future Networks')

   Introduction of three lessons on the future research and development and innovation programme of the European Commission- HORIZON

   Outline of first lesson

   The new R&D Innovation Framework of the EU

   Why investing in research?

   What is horizon 2020?

   Objectives and what is new about the programme

   Horizon 2020 Priorities and structure

   Elaborate on 1. excellent science
Πηγαίνετε σε αυτή τη διαφάνεια Luis Rodrيguez Rosellò
ν. μαθήματος 14: Industrial Leadership and Societal Challenges in HORIZON 2020
   Introduction and outline of topic: Industrial Leadership and Societal Challenges in Horizon 2020

   Why: Europe needs more innovative SMEs to create growth and jobs

   How can we tackle societal changes?

   Rules for participation- whats new?

   Next steps?
Πηγαίνετε σε αυτή τη διαφάνεια Luis Rodrيguez Rosellò
ν. μαθήματος 15: Digital Agenda for Europe and R&D on ICT
   Introduction and outlife of topic: Digital Agenda for Europe and R&D on ICT

   Main policy drive: A digital Agenda for Europe

   The need for a step change on ICT and R&D&I

   The European R&D and Innovation on Information & Communicartion Technologies

   Whats going on now?

   What are Europe's strengths?

   ICT today and in the future (2020)

   Current internet issues

   Summary: ICT- the road to smart innovation
Πηγαίνετε σε αυτή τη διαφάνεια Luis Rodrيguez Rosellò