Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

MOOC Massive Open Online Courses (Ακαδημαϊκό έτος 2021/2022)

The European Union: History, Institutions and Economic Crisis


ν. μαθήματος 1: The History of the European Union Romano Prodi
ν. μαθήματος 2: The Single Currency, The European Central Bank, the Economic and Monetary Union, the Coordination of Economic Policies, The Competition Policy Mario Monti
ν. μαθήματος 3: The Economic Crisis from the USA to Europe: Origins of the Crisis, the Rating Companies, the Carelessness of the “Laissez-faire” Policy Romano Prodi
ν. μαθήματος 4: The Economic Crisis from the USA to Europe: the Development of the Crisis, the Tobin Tax, the Crisis of Democracy, Unemployment and the New Protest Movementes, the Solutions to the Crisis Romano Prodi