Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671


WOW! Europe embraces MOOCs The International Conference on the European Way to Quality Distance Education


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"UNINETTUNO Multimedia Center - Piazza Grazioli 17, 00186 Rome"

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Establishing the guidelines for developing quality European MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses): this is the aim of the Wow! Europe embraces MOOCs International Conference, that will take place in Rome, on Monday the 30th November 2015, starting from 9:00, at the Multimedia Center of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO (piazza Grazioli, 17).
The Italian Minister of Education, University and Research, Hon. Stefania Giannini, will welcome the best International experts in open education – coming from the universities of all Europe, United States and Canada – and the main stakeholders in the field that will discuss to identify a shared policy on European MOOCs, free online courses open to all. The educational approach, the MOOCS as business model, the support to digital platforms and the relationship between MOOCs and the media will be only some of the issues treated by the over 22 international speakers who will take turns during the conference.
At the closing of the works and in the presence of Hon. Silvia Costa, President of the Education and Culture Committee at the European Parliament, the “Declaration of Rome” will be signed: a document that will establish the guidelines for developing quality European MOOCs and that will be shared with the departments of the European Commission dealing with higher education and the new technologies.
The Conference of Rome represents the final step of the “HOME – Higher Education Online, MOOCs, the European Way” Conference: coordinated by the EADTU (European Association of Distance Teaching University) and that saw UNINETTUNO as one of its main partners, beside the over 20 European universities which joined the initiative.
We have to re-launch Europe in the framework of a process of democratization of the access to knowledge. The European model of MOOCs – Maria Amata Garito, UNINETTUNO Rectors, states – should make the main European universities, jointly with those of the Arab World and of the African Countries looking on the Mediterranean Basin, unite their efforts to create shared contents and methodologies, in a multicultural and multilingual context, allowing for the development and spreading of knowledge, finally without boundaries.
The UNINETTUNO University, one of the first universities in Europe in terms of MOOCs available on its portal (227 courses in Italian, English, French, Arabic and Greek and over 15 thousand students coming from 140 countries), a partner of the EADTU (European Association of Distance Teaching Universities) in the organization of the Conference, confirms its leading role in online education worldwide. UNINETTUNO University’s’ research team, headed by its Rector, was a precursor in the approach to Open Education in Italy, in Europe and worldwide, thanks to a research work lasting over 20 years which led to the establishment of the only e-Learning platform of the world available in 5 languages.

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