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UNINETTUNO joins the "Universities #jointogether network" of the United Nations


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Because of the commitment shown in the achievement of the UN 2030 sustainable development goals, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO is the only Italian university becoming a member the Universities #JoinTogether Network, a network of Universities from all over the world, established to share ideas and best practices aimed at the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),  with a special focus goal n.16, aimed at promoting fair, peaceful and inclusive societies.

In fact, #JoinTogether is a global initiative, led by the United Nations aiming at changing the negative perceptions and attitudes as regards refugees and immigrants and at enhancing social relations among them and with their hosting communities also thanks to the support of academic institutions.  This initiative is part of the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI), promoted by the UN to enhance the relationship between education and sustainable development.

In the framework of the #JoinTogether Network Conference that was held on January the 7th at the headquarters of the UN, the Rector, Garito, presented the model of the “University for Refugees”:  

The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO has greatly appreciated the initiative coordinated by the De Montfort University of Leicester, which created a network of universities aimed at achieving the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The Universities – Garito says – have always been true instruments for peace and respect for differences, a melting pot for international identities as well as promoters of the most creative chapters in history. Over the years, UNINETTUNO has been creating partnerships with universities of the whole world to jointly develop real and virtual spaces, to create shared knowledge networks on the Internet, truly democratizing the access to Knowledge. Thanks to its story, UNINETTUNO realized the University for Refugees, developing a big laboratory for true inclusion, to enhance good immigration and intercultural dialogue. The University for Refugees allows for acquiring skills and knowledge enabling immigrants and refugees to participate, in a constructive way, in the social, cultural and economic life of the hosting countries. Giving these opportunities means recognizing them their dignity and encouraging them to go ahead while trusting mankind”.

UNINETTUNO has always been at the forefront to reduce poverty and inequalities, to promote justice and peace and facilitate access to education for all: thanks to this, UNINETTUNO is the only Italian university that was accepted by the United Nations global network.