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On the occasion of the press release of Thursday, October the 10th, taking place at the Conference Hall of Stadio Olimpico in Rome, they will officially present the activities linked to the project “FOOTBALL – EDUCATION - CULTURE”, in the framework of the initiative “Post-Career Training School of S.S. Lazio – Youth Sector and Women’s Team”, realized by the S.S. Lazio in cooperation with the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO.
A dream that comes true and that aims at reconciling two worlds: sport and education. 
The objective is to assure young people a post-career future, in the belief that this future can be built starting from today, by enriching the knowledge of these young people, transmitting them expertise, professional skills and competences. Actually, thanks to the distance teaching and learning psycho-pedagogic model of UNINETTUNO, the University approaches the sport world allowing the young promises of football to study with no limits of time and space. From Italy to the world, the University aims at building a network of football teams all over Europe and in particular in A Series and in the Premier League, capable of sharing the best practices. Training the body and, at the same time, nurturing the mind: an opportunity to take advantage of the skills and talents available within and outside football fields. 
Actually, starting from October the 15th, the training activities of the program designed by the S.S. Lazio will start in cooperation with the UNINETTUNO University. 
The first cycle of the training lessons will take place at the Sport Center of the S.S. Lazio, in Formello. The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO involved some of its excellence-level teachers and professional journalists who will deliver lessons on very timely topics linked to the growth and education of the young football players:
Massimo Ammaniti, Professor of Dynamic Psychology at UNINETTUNO University. Lesson entitled: “Adolescence and the dynamics of development in the digital societiey (Internet addictions)”; 
Prof. Marco De Marco, Dean of the Economics Faculty at UNINETTUNO University. Lesson entitled: “The 10 technologies that will change the world”;
Prof. Vincent English, Professor of International Business Strategy at UNINETTUNO University and CEO of Vernier Europe (Dublin), Lesson entitled: “Using sensors to measure sport performance”
Moira O’Brien, Professor at UNINETTUNO University in the Master’s Course of Applied Sport Performance, President of the Irish Osteoporosis Society Charity of Dublin, lesson entitled: “Introduction on preventing injuries” on the issue of athletic preparation and injuries prevention.  
Patrizia Angelini, journalist of TG1 and President of the Scientific Committee of the National Observatory on Bullying and Doping, lesson entitled: “Analysis of youth uneasiness and self-esteem in sports”.
In addition, on the occasion of the launching press conference of the 31st July last, the University launched an initiative in support of the women football players of the women team of S.S. Lazio, with the delivery of 3 study grants for the Master’s Course in “Applied Sports Performance” – currently under preparation and running starting from 2020 – aimed at training athletes and coaches of the digital society. 
“Our teaching and learning psycho-pedagogic model arrives to sport to face this new great challenge: we are confident we can help young athletes to develop their talents and their skills, to build their own future, even outside the football field. We are sure that the engagement, courage and team spirit the players learn in carrying out their sport activities, represent a precious help to study in our University.” (Maria Amata Garito, Rector of UNINETTUNO).