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UNINETTUNO, Digital Talk: “TUTTO IL MONDO FUORI”. A journey between stories of failures and regret in Padua’s prison


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On May the 8th , the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO organizes, in live streaming, at 5 pm, on UNINETTUNO’s website and on FB page, the Digital Talk "Tutto il Mondo Fuori (All the World Outside)", introduced and moderated by Prof. Mons. Dario Edoardo Viganò, Dean UNINETTUNO’s Communication Sciences Faculty, with the participation of the actor, Ignazio Oliva, director of the documentary, of Reverend Marco Pozza, chaplain of the prison of Padua and of the producers, Nicola Salvi and Elisabetta Sola.

Three convicts of the “Due Palazzi” prison of Padua, three men with different stories made of failures, suffering and regret, tell about themselves in “TUTTO IL MONDO FUORI (ALL THE WORLD OUTSIDE)” (1x75’), a documentary directed by Ignazio Oliva, written in cooperation with Mons. Dario Edoardo Viganò and Rev. Marco Pozza, aired as TV première on Nove, on Wednesday May the 13th at 9:25 pm, inspired by Article 27 of our Constitution, highlighting the re-educational function of the penitentiary institution.

The shooting of the documentary ends just before the lockdown imposed by the coronavirus emergency and the decision to air this project in these times becomes still more significant, stronger and highly topical.

The chaplain of the prison, Rev. Marco Pozza (Thiene, 1979), a writer and journalist, followed by the camera, accompanies the viewer into a world that is scarcely known to most people, where he will meet the director of the prison, the agents of the penitentiary police, the convicts and their loved ones, to tell about their challenges and troubles of living in a prison, the importance of work as a means for redemption and their wishes for a future full of hope. The story of the re-education of the convicts goes through the recognition of one’s own mistakes and follows a path made of work, study and sport offered by the penitentiary institution, thanks to cooperatives working in the neighboring area. The community, protagonist of the documentary, is the same one that, by the will of Pope Francis, wrote the meditations of the Via Crucis of this year’s Good Friday. An act that touched the entire world.

Ignazio Oliva (director of the documentary and actor who played in movies such as Come due coccodrilli, Io ballo da sola, Nora, Passato prossimo, Scusa ma ti chiamo amore, in TV series such as Braccialetti rossi, The Young Pope, Tutti pazzi per amore): “Our aim is to explore and valorize the importance of work inside and outside the prison (alternative punishments) which becomes a crucial means to re-educate convicts and for their possible reintegration into society… Through the witnessing of Rev. Pozza and of three convicts, we tell about how the working path offered by this excellence-level penitentiary institution allows to restore one’s own dignity by spending the time passed in prison in activities that are useful to other people and to oneself … A journey through the humanity of those who, for many reasons, made mistakes and chose a criminal path, but, who in this prison were enabled to understand and get aware of the huge pain caused to their victims and to their families, apart from themselves and, inevitably, to their loved ones.”

TUTTO IL MONDO FUORI (ALL THE WORLD OUTSIDE)” (1 episode x 75’) was produced by the Officina della Comunicazione, realized thanks to a close cooperation with direction of Padua’s “Due Palazzi” prison. It will be available also on the Dplay Plus platform as a première starting from May the 6th (on the website – or downloading the app on App Store or Google Play). NOVE can be watched on channel 9 of the Digital TV, (Sky 145 channel and Tivùsat channel 9).

The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO that, since ever, has been using technologies to bring knowledge and learning in everybody’s homes and to send his international students a message of peace and dialogue by using the universal language of art, decided to share this project in an interactive webinar, open to everybody.