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Today the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO presents the academic course on “Law at the Time of Covid.


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  • Today, at 5.30 p.m., the Digital Talk of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO will be held for the presentation of the new academic course of the Law Faculty: "Law at the time of Covid".
  • The course is addressed to students and professionals interested in understanding the impact of Covid-19 on the national and international regulatory framework and in acquiring competences and operational skills in the field of health emergency management.
  • The debate, in live streaming on the UNINETTUNO portal and Facebook page, will be introduced by Prof. Maria Amata Garito, Rector of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, and moderated by Prof. Arturo Maresca, Dean of the Law Faculty of UNINETTUNO. Among the lecturers of the Law Faculty who will attend it: Prof. Andrea Sacco Ginevri, Prof. Federica Fabrizzi, Prof. Flavia Zorzi Giustiniani and Prof. Silvia Massi.

Rome, the 17th May 2021 – 

The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO presents today, at 5.30 p.m., in live streaming on the University’s  portal and on its Facebook page, the new Law course  "Law at the time of Covid", designed to provide specific competences on the legislative innovations that the pandemic emergency has brought in every sector of the juridical system.

Adopting a multidisciplinary perspective, the course analyzes the reforms implemented to cope with the health crisis at local, national and international level, providing the theoretical and practical tools to analyze and interpret the new regulations, born as emergency interventions, but bound to take on the role of a new way of conceiving law, as a useful tool to resolve economic and social conflicts that arise due to the outbreak of events of exceptional emergency.

"With this new program and thanks to the formula of the Short Learning Programs, UNINETTUNO will allow all students and professionals who need it, to update their knowledge in a short time," stated Prof. Maria Amata Garito, Rector of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO. "In this way we continue our commitment to create innovation in the contents and to offer the tools to understand more deeply the present time, expanding themes such as those of law and jurisprudence that have undergone important changes linked to an unprecedented health and economic emergency" concluded Garito.

"Through this initiative, our objective is to give a unitary, but at the same time cross-field, response with respect to the many juridical approaches that have emerged as a result of the pandemic emergency," commented Prof. Arturo Maresca, Dean of the UNINETTUNO Law Faculty. "In fact, it is fundamental to train professional profiles that have not so much specialized but interdisciplinary skills, in the light of the great changes that governed the pandemic crisis within the juridical system."

The debate will be introduced by Prof. Garito, Rector of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, and moderated by Prof. Arturo Maresca, Dean of UNINETTUNO Law Faculty. Among the lecturers of the Law Faculty who will attend: Prof. Andrea Sacco Ginevri, Prof. Federica Fabrizzi, Prof. Flavia Zorzi Giustiniani and Prof. Silvia Massi.

During the course, the following macro-questions will be examined: the role of law in the pandemic, the management of the emergency in the relationships between the different levels of territorial government, privacy and the tracking of personal data for the prevention of contagion, the role and powers of the World Health Organization in the Covid emergency, the measures to support the liquidity of families and businesses and the civil and criminal liability of employers.