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Agreement for the professional education of young peopleThe first Technological Pole of UNINETTUNO International Telematic University is born in Morocco


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The initiative will strongly contribute to the dialogue among cultures. The poject’s target, infact, is the world of young people, of new generations which shall come to know and comprehend the pplitical, social, cultural differences by working together, and build up new forms of dialogue and co-operation.
The project has been explaned by His Excelleny the Embassor of the Kingdom of Morocco in Italy, Tajeddine BADDOU, and by the Chancellor and President of the International University, Prof. Maria Amata GARITO, on the occasion of a press conference that took place in the office of UNINETTUNO.
The agreement will be subscribed by the Government of Morocco, represented by the Minister of Professional Education Said Oulbacha, and the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, represented by the Chancellor and President, Prof. Maria Amata GARITO, at the precence of the Prime Minister of Morocco M. Driss JETTOU and of several ministers of the local Government on the next 14 March in Rabat. At the end of the ceremony the videolessons in French language will be broadcast on the satellite channel Rai Nettuno Sat 1. This are the first courses of Information Technology and Java programmers in the Arab world, kept by Prof. Zniber and A. Benmoussa.
After the first course of Information Technology, get started in the new Technological Pole in Rabat, the satellite channel Rai Nettuno Sat 1 and the Web Site will present courses for Java Programmers, Project Management, Technology of Enterprises Information and Communicaton , Cultural Assets Management, Bearable development, Intellectual Property, Environment and Territory plans, Personnel training, Territory Informative Systems, Territory Menagement,Distance Work, Territory Marketing and the course on the Information Society and the new Mediterranean Challenges will start.
Beside the professional education courses the UNINETTUNO International University offers 7 degrees courses in the academic year 2005/2006:
Civil Engineering; Information Technology Engineering; Management Engineering; Legal Expert in Business Development and Internationalisation of Enterprises; Operator of Cultural Assets; Economics and Enterprises Administration; Psyco-social studies; masters in the sectors of shared interests will get started as well.
The firs Technological Pole of UNINETTUNO International University in Marocco is provided with all the technologies needed to attend the courses in the favourite language (Arabic, Italian, French, Spanish and English) and to take part to didactic activities in videoconference; it will be a real meeting point as well where the face-to-face exams, the meetings and the seminars with teachers and tutors will take place.
The agreement signed by the Ministry of Education of Morocco and UNINETTUNO provides for professional renewal courses in the most wanted sectors in the global job market. The users of these courses will be able to study without moving from their countries and to obtain an academic title recognized in Italy and Europe.
The main instrument to enroll and to start the learning process is Internet. The students can raech anytime the digital video-lessons linked by hypertexts to books, bibliographies, lists of selected web sites, exercises texts on the didactic site During his studies the student is ever coached by a tutor- through audio and video chat, forums and videoconferences. The face-to-face exams take place at the technological Poles. The teachers, who use their own languages for the lessons and the courses materials, come from the most important Universities in Europe and Mediterranean countries, and they are selected by an international Commission on the basis of their curricula among the the best teachers of their subjects. The student can choose their favourite languge and compare different teaching methods for tha same subject.
In this historical moment, starting these co-opearation models among the Euro-mediterranean countries has a greater importance than those of giving titles.Co-operation is the way by which new relatioships and new dialogue and comparison models can be opened.